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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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don't speak too soon!

wait someone buy it before you like your toby hahaha!

but i doubt it.

$750 for an anthias is tooo much and no one will buy.

tomorrow can go down and admire it. it's a very nice size.

U've told aunty to reserve for me right?

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yes i told aunty to keep for you.

there were many people crowding to see what the commotion was when i was calling you and talking about it.

also aunty was there showing me so everyone ask me what it is.

i said i don't know and they all exclaimed "wah! u dunno means it must be a new un-id species"

but alas, it's not and it's something i am not familiar with. not a new sp.

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another photo of bradley's chrysocephalus.

omg i love it.

this is my fav species in the anampses genus and i like this fish more than femininus and lennardi.

i think femininus and lennardi are absolutely gorgeous but they're too "slapstick beautiful"

i like chrysocephalus coz it's an abstract beautiful.

horrible shippers and rarely fare well in captivity. i tried 2 females and all died.

bradley is lucky to get his from LADD.

it's feeding very well!


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yes i told aunty to keep for you.

there were many people crowding to see what the commotion was when i was calling you and talking about it.

also aunty was there showing me so everyone ask me what it is.

i said i don't know and they all exclaimed "wah! u dunno means it must be a new un-id species"

but alas, it's not and it's something i am not familiar with. not a new sp.

If there's anyone who can appreciate the anthias more than me i'll gladly give up on the fish.

It has always been a fish i dream of seeing and keeping. My biggest hope was for RB to bring in last year. But sadly they soon closed down and my hope fell.

It came as a big surprise and we're counted lucky to be offered that price.

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another photo of bradley's chrysocephalus.

omg i love it.

this is my fav species in the anampses genus and i like this fish more than femininus and lennardi.

i think femininus and lennardi are absolutely gorgeous but they're too "slapstick beautiful"

i like chrysocephalus coz it's an abstract beautiful.

I like lennardi and feminus more. Recently a fresh batch of lennardi from west aussie was sent to Japan again, when are we gg to see lennardi?

I hope soon. Between lennardi and feminus i choose lennardi as it's hardier and ship way better than feminus.

Feminus is as difficult as chrysocephalus, and worst still much rarer.

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Anampses chrysocephalus

my favourite species in the genus.

the red tailed ones are the females and the orange head one is the male.

i hope CF bring in again. this is another super difficult fish i'm not yet willing to give up trying yet.



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You looking for a flame angel right?

I love going flame angel hunting. Every piece is unique and you'll have lots of fun hunting them during Hawaii shipments.

Choose one that you like. I personally like those with unique barring. Especially those with very little bars. But some like those with many bars. There are also those with extremely thick block bars, and those with joined V shaped bars etc.

Perhaps the most interesting flame ive ever found was an aberrant one with a blue tail. But Iwarna Aunty wanted to keep it for herself so I did not take it. But I think it's dead now.

I've also found an aberrant one from reborn with almost no bars. But it was unhealthy and it died.

I love flame angels. Common fish but always full of surprises and so diverse in markings.

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it was very difficult to take a good picture of the pronotogrammus martinicensis at coral farm.

the fish was in its subdued stress colour, coupled with the dirty fish tank glass and it's shy, hiding nature made it extremely hard to photograph.

i did manage to get a pretty lousy shot of it. it's really very blotchy anthias like!


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it was very difficult to take a good picture of the pronotogrammus martinicensis at coral farm.

the fish was in its subdued stress colour, coupled with the dirty fish tank glass and it's shy, hiding nature made it extremely hard to photograph.

i did manage to get a pretty lousy shot of it. it's really very blotchy anthias like!

Saw it just now... It is hiding and all stressed coloration...

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Saw it just now... It is hiding and all stressed coloration...

It's in my tank now. Swimming out in the open with the sailfin anthias. They enjoy each other's company, jux like how hemathias vivanus and martinicensis swim together in carribbean ship wreck.

Not a brightly colored fish and pale easily under bright lighting, but v rare and it was on offer at half the original price. I'm so lucky and i hope to keep it alive for a long time to come.

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It's in my tank now. Swimming out in the open with the sailfin anthias. They enjoy each other's company, jux like how hemathias vivanus and martinicensis swim together in carribbean ship wreck.

Not a brightly colored fish and pale easily under bright lighting, but v rare and it was on offer at half the original price. I'm so lucky and i hope to keep it alive for a long time to come.

Does it still keeps yellow patches?

Edited by Terryz_

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Nice... Come up with a video of it soon... :ThanxSmiley:

I will when the fish settles and starts eating.

My leucozonus anthias is breaking down. Feeding but still get thinner and thinner, typical of those v hard to keep anthias like PQ and ventralis. I take a vid b4 it dies.

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