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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • SRC Member

Hmmm... I doubt some of the photos of the very colorful fishes posted. Some do looks like photo-shopped. No offense ya to those who contributed the photos whether original or copied from else where. I hoped all photos are as original as possible so at least reefers here are really looking at what are real and do have the chance to purchase if any.

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U can rest assured of the authenticity.

We've seen countless of these aberrant fishes in real life (some at least) and in multiple sources and videos depicting the same fish. You may be surprised. Some are even nicer in real life!

Aberrant fishes are not diseased fishes, for those who may be wondering. They are just abnormally colored. It's an anomaly and not a disease

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Stunning colors...:ooh:

Missed the pair i had before my tank gave way... :(

butterflies look very good in a pair!

and many species mate for life so a pair is always a great way to keep them.

mitratus colours become more yellow and deep as they grow bigger.

i bought one from coral farm which was the size of a triple A battery.

now it has grown to about twice it's size!

here it is when i first bought it.

it was reaaaaly tiny



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and here's an updated pic.

sorry i just did a super quick snapshot with my phone and it's v blur.

but u can see it's grown much bigger and the yellow is so much more intense. in the previous photo, the middle bar is white but now it's completely yellow as it has grown bigger and matured. the tiny juvenile eye spot on the dorsal fin is also gone now!

it's not yet an adult, but it's much bigger compared to the tiny specimen i obtained exactly 9 months ago!

how strange. i first got the mitratus on january 13th, and now it's october 13th! exactly 9 months.


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Hi Lemon, can we differentiate male/female mitratus?

Would love to have a pair next time.


all butterflyfishes are impossible to distinguish male and female genders based on appearance.

your best bet will be to pair a big one and a small one together like what liveaquaria did.

notice the photo on top. the smaller on is still a juvenile while the adult one is well, an adult.

but the good thing about butterflies are they are rather peaceful as compared to angels and tangs.

so often times adding 2, 3 or more simultaneously together will not really pose a problem. but this does not hold true to all species.

i would suggest adding 2 at the same time together simultaneously. one slightly bigger than the other. if you intend to pair them.

because butterflies are peaceful in general, "pairs" in our tanks may not always be male-female. sometimes male-male or female-female also possible due to their relatively peaceful nature. they don't really bother each other.

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well just to clear the air above as to why i don't like the genus, it's because most of the fishes are rather difficult to keep, and they grow very large. i'm not really a fan of large fishes. i prefer small kinds. but i have to say the maze pattern and colours of this fish is quite remarkable and interesting.

Chaetodontoplus generally grow huge and need a lot of swimming space. And those big size one are hard to adapt and keep alive and i tend to be like u too, dislike most species from the chaetodontoplus family.

However there are a few that stay small. Like Singapore angel and poliourus angel, they rarely exceed 3". I'm lucky to able to keep a poliourus angel, which is a wonderful fish that is still with me.

There is another one that stay small and it is one of the rarest of the chaetodontoplus, second only to the famous Ballina angel from lord howe australia.

Here it is, Chaetodontoplus Niger. A cute little angel that has not yet appear in the trade! V rare and found deep. Shallowest is about 40m in some parts of Japan water. Otherwise usually 80m and deeper.

Many pics to follow:







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and here's an updated pic.

sorry i just did a super quick snapshot with my phone and it's v blur.

but u can see it's grown much bigger and the yellow is so much more intense. in the previous photo, the middle bar is white but now it's completely yellow as it has grown bigger and matured. the tiny juvenile eye spot on the dorsal fin is also gone now!

it's not yet an adult, but it's much bigger compared to the tiny specimen i obtained exactly 9 months ago!

how strange. i first got the mitratus on january 13th, and now it's october 13th! exactly 9 months.

Wau... very nice :wub:


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Chaetodontoplus generally grow huge and need a lot of swimming space. And those big size one are hard to adapt and keep alive and i tend to be like u too, dislike most species from the chaetodontoplus family.

However there are a few that stay small. Like Singapore angel and poliourus angel, they rarely exceed 3". I'm lucky to able to keep a poliourus angel, which is a wonderful fish that is still with me.

There is another one that stay small and it is one of the rarest of the chaetodontoplus, second only to the famous Ballina angel from lord howe australia.

Here it is, Chaetodontoplus Niger. A cute little angel that has not yet appear in the trade! V rare and found deep. Shallowest is about 40m in some parts of Japan water. Otherwise usually 80m and deeper.

Many pics to follow:

oh..no..this little cute fish has a very sharp & stunning colour :thumbsup: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member

Nothing special. Hybrid Lemon



"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • Senior Reefer

i LOVE C. niger!

IT'S absolutely gorgeous. i love the white pelvic fins!

i've never seen those photos before! are they new?

those are some of the clearest and best photos of C. niger in the wild!

the next reefbuilders piece from me will be this!

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  • Senior Reefer

Nothing special. Hybrid Lemon

here are some new photos from SRS vanuatu.

SRS vanuatu is a large collector from vanuatu (the largest i think) that supplies vanuatu fishes to everywhere, including singapore, via iwarna.

they were the ones responsible for catching the very very very rare nigriocella dwarf angel.

here's some new lemonpeel hybrids and an aberrant coral beauty. maybe we can see them in iwarna's vanuatu shipment. if victor decides to order.

these photos were sent to victor's email for stock update on their latest vanuatu fishes, and were forwarded to me. so if you really like these and want to see them in the next vanuatu shipment, pls pester victor!

*but don't tell him i said that. hehe :P






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