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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

all the above fang blennies are recently described from PNG and some from indonesia!

i hope that one day we'll find them in our shipments.

fangblennies are very underrated fishes and are extremely beautiful and suitable for the home aquarium!

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  • Senior Reefer

here are some beautiful rare fish for sale in LADD.

a quadrimaculatus butterflyfish, a male psychadelic head wrasse and a trio of rhomboid fairy wrasse.

the quadrimaculatus butterfly is a difficult species that eats coral polyps, but it is not an obligate coral eater, and so, it is possible to keep them in the aquarium. although with much difficulty.

the psychadelic head wrasse is a very tough species to keep. females are black with white spots and a red tail. the males are rare. but as with all anampses, they are tough to feed and tough to acclimate.

the rhomboid trio is gorgeous. rhomboid wrasses are cheap and common now!




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  • Senior Reefer

This looks great, wonder if it's behavior is like a typical blenny.

fang blennies hover in the water column and are free swimming fishes.

so the behavior is different from most normal blennies that hide amongst rocks and slither amongst them.

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  • SRC Member

Lemon.. just want to applaud your effort to be wiser and friendlier in your tone.. we all know you well and are very accustomed to the way you type/speak, but i do feel that your effort to change deserved to be recognised and applauded!

Reef on peeps...:friends::peace:

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Lemon.. just want to applaud your effort to be wiser and friendlier in your tone.. we all know you well and are very accustomed to the way you type/speak, but i do feel that your effort to change deserved to be recognised and applauded!

Reef on peeps...:friends::peace:

+1. Yeah ...... don't be like Ray... freaking years already.... still so mean...... pui...... Ding :idea::idea:

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • Senior Reefer

i realize that the people in Singapore are more conservative. i type the same way here and in reefcentral. but i think the americans are more used to this kind of typing and anyway, reefcentral is an absolute shark compared to our humble SRC.

so more effort has to be placed when typing here i guess so as to not step on anyone's toes.

anyway let's just continue about fish and unless i am a rare fish or a hybrid fish, my name should not appear here anymore!

*hopefully* haha

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  • Senior Reefer

well, someone got them and gave us an updated shot!

here's the happy and very healthy trio.

oh god i love these angels so much. i have a trio of females and i'm waiting patiently for one of them to start morphing.

for those who don't know, it's a very rare fish that's currently re-appearing again after disappearing for many many years. from the philippines, but very cheap. this fish's rarity in paper is higher than that of bandit angels and conspic angels.

but now with the recent influx again due to targeted collection, many people everywhere are getting it.

and many people in SRC have also had the chance to obtain this coveted species!

so congratulations to those who managed to get their fins on the semifasciatus angelfish and i hope you take care of it for a long time! because there' no telling when they will just disappear all over again!




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  • Senior Reefer

This one is so gorgeous, I love.


meiacanthus is a very pretty genus of fish.

but the nice ones are hard to get.

Meiacanthus kamoharai is a lovely species from japan.

they can occasionally be found in habours at the surface which makes them super easy to catch! unfortunately, we can't get them.



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anyway cool guy,

here are some more pictures of the very rare maze angel.

for those who don't know, a maze angelfish is not a legit species. it's tentatively named Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus, but it's actually a hybrid. a hybrid that's mixed up of the blue line angel, and other closely related species in the genus. the result is a fish with varying degrees of spots and stripes. each maze angel is also different in appearance!

well just to clear the air above as to why i don't like the genus, it's because most of the fishes are rather difficult to keep, and they grow very large. i'm not really a fan of large fishes. i prefer small kinds. but i have to say the maze pattern and colours of this fish is quite remarkable and interesting.

The second and third pic reminds me of....Fresh water DISCUSS fish !!! :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Meiacanthus erdmanni

I love all the new ones, but love this new one the most. Cos i've a thing for rare deepwater fish and this erdmanni is the only deepwater fangblenny. At 200ft depth, it's a v interesting and amazing blenny cos blenny are usually shallow, and v shallow.

Furthermore, erdmanni has a v close resemblance to my favourite meiacanthus, the kamoharai!

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  • Senior Reefer

Dunno if tis is rare. But it look cool to me... 

it's a bumble bee grouper.


adults look completely different.

LCK created a hybrid with the panther grouper which was very famous and sought after!

here's a pic of the hybrid on reefbuilders.


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  • SRC Member

I looked at lemon's post and honestly, anyone of us would write that. It's just a simple statement of what one likes and don't like.

In no way was there any instance from this particular post did Lemon put anybody down, like saying.. "YYYY fish is so fugly only idiots will like it...", THEN that would be deemed as judgemental indeed.

Any ordinary member reply might not be paid much attention at all but Lemonlemon is a fish guru leh. He wants to expose us to the rare fish in the market, I appplaude his effort but once his comment turns negative to certain fish species, all his effort comes to naught. Like I said before, 1 step forward, 2 step backward. This will also have an impact at the lfs later on. One fine day we will realise that only certain fish species appear at the lfs, like what is happening now. No need to be bias to the other fish species, the ones we do not like may grow fond on us later in life.

Lemonlemon, there are friends and then there are friends. Those who let you do what you want aren't necessary friends. Seems that I ruffled some feather or should I say some scales.

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  • SRC Member

Agree with CA.

You have been long enough in SRC, bro BFG. The way that Lemon walks and talks.... you should know him by now. Your response (to me out of the blue) could be due to pent up frustrations. I think he is learning and has toned down tremendously already. Close one eye, let him be and give him space & time to grow/ mature. He has the right to pen his views..... and so do you..... :)

Wow, pent up frustration?!? This is just a hobby, just giving my views. That's what I feel.

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  • Senior Reefer

i don't have enough influence to dictate what people should like and what people should not like.

i also don't have enough influence to dictate what the LFS island wide brings in and what they should not bring in.

i can and have coaxed certain LFS to specifically bring in something based on interest, but i have never, and will never be able to totally monopolize or control the entire shipment of a certain fish.

it seems as though you are blaming me for the current market situation on fish now in our country, which i can assure you, is not true. that's ridiculous! everything is seasonal. if something isn't appearing now doesn't mean it will not appear in the future.

this time i don't feel like i did anything wrong. i merely said i dislike a certain fish.

saying i don't like something is not going to affect anything, nor is it going to affect anyone's thinking or opinion on any fish. because i'm just stating my interest. what you're suggesting is that everyone has no opinion and whatever i say, is what everyone should follow. that is not the case and has never been the case.

everyone, including me, is allowed to have an opinion. i like certain fishes, i don't like certain fishes. just like how i like to eat noodles, but i don't like to drink milk or eat yoghurt. i will continue to state what i like and what i don't like, anytime i want to, if i want to. and so can anyone else here. there is no wrong in that, and there will never be any wrong in that.

this time i feel that you're really over-reacting and attacking me for the sake of attacking me.

if you really dislike me, or want to start something with me, then at least wait till i do something worth picking on. if not, you can PM me to settle whatever it is and not do it here.

peace :peace:

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  • SRC Member

Not blaming you, never did I say that. All I'm saying is that since you want to expose us reefer to rare fish, don't segregate the ones you like and others that are not to your liking. That's how I thought and I felt it was a wrong thing seeing you want us to be aware of this portion of the hobby. Once you start segregrating some other might think something else and the wrong conclusion is reached. That's all.

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i have diving cert.

u give me the co-ordinates! ahaha

Think I saw the fish in <5m. Looked very fang blenny like but did'nt look like the common striped one. Now I know what it could be. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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