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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Simply amazing :shock:

Kudos to DM, Lemon who has shared so much about the rare fishes and their beauties in this thread, it's really an eye opener for many of us here.

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

i dont like the entire genus of chaetodontoplus.

i much rather the humble but very rare selene butterfly!!!

or the modestus!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No need to put down others if you do not share the same interest.

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  • SRC Member

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No need to put down others if you do not share the same interest.

LOL, if you read what Lemon has written, he only says what he likes... how did that translate to put down others? As you have said it best, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Back to the topic, the Dejongi and the conspic are very nice!

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No need to put down others if you do not share the same interest.

There wasn't much to lemon post. He just mentioned he dun like chaetodontoplus but said nothing about those liking the genus.

I think u've over-reacted.

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Yeah relax bro, I don't know bro lemon very well but I know you as a fellow mod on another forum but it does seem that you've over reacted over bro lemon's post.

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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Bro lemon n me hav gd build up relation. Guess wat he had say does not bother me at all. Jus like myself. I dun really interested in butterfly but he does. So ther no issue between me n him. Cheers bro... Lets be cool n enjoy reefing... 

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Not over reacted lah guys, chill. Check past post in this thread lah. Some members post they like certain fish, Lemon2 replied not his fav, happen a few times. Not a good way to respond when trying to promote some rare fish for the benefit of others I feel. It's like moving 1 step forward but 2 step backward. If it' not his fav or to his liking, just skip the response. I've learnt a lot in this thread but sometimes the replies might not be favourable to some when you're trying to promote this hobby. Try to accommodate other member interest even though it's might not be yours. Hope Lemon2 has the sense to recognise what he is doing.

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Lol...bro BFG, I don't sense Lemon's comment has any meaning on putting down others.

Well all those who has known him a little would probably know that he is quite straight talking, expressing his likes or dislikes. Technically nothing wrong at all, in fact at times offers a thought provoking views on the subject matter.

That said, the choice of words and presentation of view points could perhaps seems a little unpalatable to some though...just get use to it, after all this is a forum to express view points, as long as there are no outright be-littering on others, and i am sure Lemon is not that kind of person.

Everyone will have their strength and weaknesses, look at his strength and his contributions to this forum and let it go on the minor 'flaws' ....to each their personality. :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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well it certainly does not have anything to do with belittling people. i definitely don't mean to hurt anyone with my comments.

yes what BFG said is true.

i don't like alot of things. i don't like the chaetodontoplus angels, i don't like the holacanthus angels, i don't like alot of fish. but i'm just saying it out as a preference and definitely don't mean it in any other way. but i'm trying to change the way i type though. i'm trying to be lest brash and more calm in my writing. but i think it still needs work (obviously ._. )

i also don't force my thinking onto anyone else.

i'm very straight forward in my words and sometimes it may hurt people unintentionally. but those who know me well and personally enough to not pass judgement, know that i do not mean harm and it's just my character. i was born this way.

i'm not everyone's cup of tea but i certainly do not put people down for no reason. especially when it comes to fish. i love fish, some just more than others.

so if i offended anyone here, i'm sorry.

but thanks for my friends who cleared the air for me while i was away today.

they know me well and i really respect and treat them the same way as i do to any other in the forum. i do not show bias and sometimes even they mistake my words for venomous post. so i apologize on behalf if i've offended anyone in anyway!

sorry and peace :)

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anyway cool guy,

here are some more pictures of the very rare maze angel.

for those who don't know, a maze angelfish is not a legit species. it's tentatively named Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus, but it's actually a hybrid. a hybrid that's mixed up of the blue line angel, and other closely related species in the genus. the result is a fish with varying degrees of spots and stripes. each maze angel is also different in appearance!

well just to clear the air above as to why i don't like the genus, it's because most of the fishes are rather difficult to keep, and they grow very large. i'm not really a fan of large fishes. i prefer small kinds. but i have to say the maze pattern and colours of this fish is quite remarkable and interesting.




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i don't like alot of things. i don't like the chaetodontoplus angels, i don't like the holacanthus angels, i don't like alot of fish. but i'm just saying it out as a preference and definitely don't mean it in any other way. but i'm trying to change the way i type though. i'm trying to be lest brash and more calm in my writing. but i think it still needs work (obviously ._. )

I haven't spent a whole lot of time in this forum but if I may hazard a guess, I would attribute your writing style to youthful exuberance and enthusiasm regarding all things fishes - sometimes almost to the point of being perplexed at why some other reefers do not seem as excited over certain fishes as you do (e.g. rarity in the market, colours, genus, etc).

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That said, the choice of words and presentation of view points could perhaps seems a little unpalatable to some though...just get use to it, after all this is a forum to express view points, as long as there are no outright be-littering on others, and i am sure Lemon is not that kind of person.

Everyone will have their strength and weaknesses, look at his strength and his contributions to this forum and let it go on the minor 'flaws' ....to each their personality. :friends:

Agree with CA.

You have been long enough in SRC, bro BFG. The way that Lemon walks and talks.... you should know him by now. Your response (to me out of the blue) could be due to pent up frustrations. I think he is learning and has toned down tremendously already. Close one eye, let him be and give him space & time to grow/ mature. He has the right to pen his views..... and so do you..... :)

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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I looked at lemon's post and honestly, anyone of us would write that. It's just a simple statement of what one likes and don't like.

In no way was there any instance from this particular post did Lemon put anybody down, like saying.. "YYYY fish is so fugly only idiots will like it...", THEN that would be deemed as judgemental indeed.

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Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Oh ya... and I never appreciate any of these aberrant, rare, hybrid, .... whatever terminology fishes you call it.

A good normal healthy specimen fish.... flame firefish, blueface, royal gramma etc is the nicest imo.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • Senior Reefer

cool guy,

the maze angels can be obtained from taiwan EZ marine. there are other sources too but i'm not really sure.

digiman can help you more.


when it comes to aberrant and hybrid fishes, ALOT of people do not like them. there are many instances here where we've posted aberrant mixed koi coloured fishes and people also go "err, ew!"

hahaha. everyone has their own taste. for me, sometimes i do not like those aberrant fishes too. like tricolored koi tangs. i find them ugly.

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