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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Just like human kind, mixed blood turns out to be mostly more charming...that's a wonderful outcome ;)

A lot of hybrid fishes are actually "uglier" than their parent species.

But because hybrids in marine are rare, hence they are more highly valued compared to their more beautiful parents.

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oh that lemonpeel hybrid is just very nice!

very unique.

and a superb rusty flame!

I feel so too. Not v colorful but has the most unique pattern i've seen in lemonpeel hybrids. The black patch in the middle is so striking.

One day maybe a completely orange rusty flame with no stripes at all will appear! It'll then be the most gorgeous and true "mango" angelfish!

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  • Senior Reefer

I feel so too. Not v colorful but has the most unique pattern i've seen in lemonpeel hybrids. The black patch in the middle is so striking.

One day maybe a completely orange rusty flame with no stripes at all will appear! It'll then be the most gorgeous and true "mango" angelfish!

it has appeared before mannny years ago and it's in kiyoshi endoh's book.

pure orange without a single hint of stripe or spot.

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Ahem... depends on the parents... some mixtures might not do so well... :heh:

Yeah...that's why i used the word 'MOSTLY' :pirate:

A lot of hybrid fishes are actually "uglier" than their parent species.

But because hybrids in marine are rare, hence they are more highly valued compared to their more beautiful parents.

Did you say 'A lot' ?? Meaning not many hybrids are pretty then ? So far most of the hybrid here are so OMG, causing me to think that most hybrids are mostly pretty fish...<_<

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Did you say 'A lot' ?? Meaning not many hybrids are pretty then ? So far most of the hybrid here are so OMG, causing me to think that most hybrids are mostly pretty fish...<_<

Yes if u define beauty as in beauty by appearance, then a lot of hybrids are "uglier" than their parent species.

For example an AT is nicer than an AT hybrid, a powder blue is nicer than a powder blue hybrid, a clarion is nicer than a clarion hybrid, a maculosus is nicer than a maculosus hybrid, a flagfin is nicer than an armitagei, a goldflake is nicer than a goldflake hybrid etc etc.

That said, appearance beauty is v judgemental, so while one feel it is ugly, there'll akways be another who disagrees.

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AT hybrids do not develop teardrop.

the picture you posted is a normal AT.

here's a hybrid AT x powder black

most people think that a hybrid will show equal amounts of traits from both parents. 50%-50%. but if you study genetics, that's not always the case.

in the case of the achilles tang hybrid, the achilels tang only lends the orange pigment on it's tail to the offspring, and zero of the orange teardrop genes.

but i prefer the AT hybrid over the normal AT.

the tail is very special.



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Yes if u define beauty as in beauty by appearance, then a lot of hybrids are "uglier" than their parent species.

For example an AT is nicer than an AT hybrid, a powder blue is nicer than a powder blue hybrid, a clarion is nicer than a clarion hybrid, a maculosus is nicer than a maculosus hybrid, a flagfin is nicer than an armitagei, a goldflake is nicer than a goldflake hybrid etc etc.

That said, appearance beauty is v judgemental, so while one feel it is ugly, there'll akways be another who disagrees.

Well, your last sentence said it all...beauty is rather subjective, however, seems like most of the hybrid fish here seems nicer than it's parent species :eyebrow:

Thanks for your input Digiman !

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  • Senior Reefer

Well, your last sentence said it all...beauty is rather subjective, however, seems like most of the hybrid fish here seems nicer than it's parent species :eyebrow:

Thanks for your input Digiman !

coz we only put the nice ones mah! haha!

dont think anyone wanna see ugly fish right?

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