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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

Tailess passer angel. Ugly!

urgh so nonsense.

i hate king angels.

infact i despite all holacanthus.

really hate atlantic fishes on a whole now that you mention it.

there's very little atlantic fishes that i actually like.

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urgh so nonsense.

i hate king angels.

infact i despite all holacanthus.

really hate atlantic fishes on a whole now that you mention it.

there's very little atlantic fishes that i actually like.

Got u like aya!

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  • Senior Reefer

Got u like aya!

yes the very little atlantic fishes include




and some obscure fishes here and there.

i hate all the angels there. flame back, holacanthus, even the pomacanthus are all horrible!

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yes the very little atlantic fishes include




and some obscure fishes here and there.

i hate all the angels there. flame back, holacanthus, even the pomacanthus are all horrible!

Hi Lemon, why do you 'hate' these fishes from atlantic :unsure: ? is it because they are too common as compare to those that are rare from elsewhere ?

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  • Senior Reefer

Hi Lemon, why do you 'hate' these fishes from atlantic :unsure: ? is it because they are too common as compare to those that are rare from elsewhere ?

oh contrary!

many atlantic fishes are very rare!

i dislike many atlantic fishes because i just find them big and ugly.

many of the atlantic angels for example.

grey angel, french angel, king, queen. they aren't to my liking and i find them dull.

whereas compared to emperor, majestic, blue ring from the indo-pacific, must nicer.

also if you watch documentaries, you'll notice the reef scape in atlantic is very different from the indo-pacific.

atlantic reefs are dominated by sea fans and elkhorn corals. very brown, sparse coral population and dominated by snappers, thalassoma wrasses etc.

but for indo-pacific reefs, the diversity is much richer and full of colour.

perhaps hate is a strong word. but i really dislike the atlantic ocean and it's fishes. not because they are common, please don't infer. it seems like i'm a snob when people say i don't like fishes because they are common. there are many common fishes that are extremely beautiful but i just don't get them because i'm more interested in the story behind a fish and not just the appearance of the fish. and usually rarer or uncommon fishes have a better story to tell which is more exciting to collect and hunt.

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Now i see your point Lemon. Probably the type of diet determines the coloration, hope i am right to some extent :P

OMG...the jap's fish is just...just.... :shock: faintzzzz

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  • Senior Reefer

Now i see your point Lemon. Probably the type of diet determines the coloration, hope i am right to some extent :P

OMG...the jap's fish is just...just.... :shock: faintzzzz

i always wonder how japanese reefers keep their SPS tank so sparkling clean!

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