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  • SRC Member

1 reef octopus skimmer for sale.. wif dymax pump.. $140 or wif rio7hf $160 condition 9/10

2 rio14hf 60 less den 7mthx.. gt myself rio20 condition 10/10

3 dymax calcium reactor.. wif media and extra media $50 condition 8/10

4 dymax pump $30 condition 9/10

5 timer $10 condition use less den 3mths 10/10

6 3ft by 1.5 by 1.5ft hood brown $50 condition 10/10

7 3ft by 1.5by 1.5ft tank wif 2 tier stand wif sump use less den 6mths no rust no scratch. $80

(own transport) condition 9.5/10

8 CO2 cylinder full!! wif manual regulator $60 condition 9.5/10

9 1ft pl lighting set 16W $30 condition 9/10

10 1 small magnetic glass cleaner $5 condition 9/10

11 black galaxy MH 3ft jx change 1 of the bulb $150 condition 9.5/10

plx pm me if interested... no flyers..

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the black galaxy:-

colouration: black

lightinh: 2 150W MH and 2 blue lighting (new lights jx chnge last 2mths)

placing: can either hang or stand (stand adjustable to 3ft++ to 2.5ft)

consist of 2 fans on top of lightset for air ventalation.. not noisy

no rust or scratch on glass.

consist of digital timer mode. still workin and nt faulty.

will be givin PL 55w blue light bulb and other bulbs foc for those whu can claim dem tis week..

reef octopus skimmer is a powerful skimmer for 3ft tank.

consist of 1 circulation pump and 1 external feeder pump.. will be giving free dymax pump or add $20 more u gt rio 6hf.

its an insump or outsump skimmer.

no leakin wen skimmer is switch on.

for those whu can collect tis weekend will be sellin skimmer and rio 6hf for $150.

dymax CR is able to feed 3ft tank.

half of sechem Ca media will be given to those whu purchase it.

giving 1 dymax pump for free to purchase by tis weekend.

and free bubble counter.

3ft tank wif iron rod stand wif designs..

3 feet tank comes wif 2 tiered stand and 2ft sump..

throwin in rio 14hf pump for $40 for those whu can take it by tis weekend

total $120

plus chiller 450 for $160


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