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Combating ich

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  • SRC Member


My Powder blue join the graveyard army this morning.... lost to ich.

Now my flame angel is hiding among the rock...got a feeling its sick or something....

The gramma got a bit but its alright now....

The question is, how to combat ich ? Lets say you have a mixed reef. Would UV do the corals harm ?

I have intention to add a purple tang. Think have to shelf the idea for now.... no tangs for the time being.... sigh...... :(

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  terryansimon said:
well lets just say you cannot fully eradicate ich. I think.

correct me if I'm wrong but its the fish equivilant of the human flu bug.

You can only prevent them from attacking your fish... by improving yout fish immune system...

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I have kanna ich on my tangs a few times already.. the last time when I added a new blue tang to an existing group yellow, purple and sailfin tangs. All kanna ich including my flame angel etc. wiithin a week. Did my usual routine - feed twice daily with Spectrum pellet (attached) soaked with Kent Marine garlic. All healed in about a month. But the main thing is that they must be eating them.. any that starts hiding somewhere..... bad news...... But I know others have used Spectrum with mixed results w/o the garlic. Maybe together made the difference..

Spectrum (note that they have two pellet sizes, get the ones that your fishes can swallow them!) can be bought at Pe****t while Se*L**e carries Kent stuff.


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Putting them in a basket will probably make them more stressed as they have no where to hid. Maybe add a wide PVC pipe so that they could go inside when startled.

Honestly, it take some amount of luck sometimes..some just refused to eat no matter what......

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I have tried "Kick Ich" at S$50 per bottle butit does not work..... ich comes back the moment you finished the bottle.... bought two somemore..... :(

That's when I tried my Spectrum and Kent Garlic and it has worked for me the last few outbreaks. One may come again as I just added a PBT into my tank and its definitely infected with Ich.... but somehow I am very confident it will work out well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bought this medication call the "marine cure" from pet@#$t, bwilly and chrislwp reckon its not safe, i think i will go with their pespective and have not use it yet. Anyone had any medication experience that says "reef safe"? I'm sick of combating the itch problem but have no other options.

Fed my 4" lions with market prawn soaked with garlic guard but one of them still seems to have white spots:) I'm still trying btw.


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  Jewel Tang said:
NOT recommended but it work for my fishes :huh::o

i feed the fishes with a few chopped garlic , n they love to eat.

nomore itch ( months liao).. huh...touchwood :P

This remind me...i once used ready chop garlic (purchase in NTUC). I make sure that the product does not contained addictives but just pure garlic...put a bit into the tank and my yellow tang love it....now it kenna ich again...I think I should find that bottle.... :P

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