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WTS / WTT : Zoa frags, hammer, pipe organ, favia

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  • SRC Member


I'm looking to trade / sell some of my zoa frag. Corals that I'm interested in are zoa frag, monti frag, clams, mushrooms (incl yuma / rics)

feel free to pm me and suggest a trade / price. :eyebrow:

here's part of my collection that's ready for fragging

lime green skirting, bluish face, greenish yellow mouth


in blue light


red skirting with black / bluish face


metallic green "maneater" paly


dark red skirting, brownish face, greenish mouth


in blue light


my personal fav, bright orange skirting, sported beige face/mouth


big pink palys


red striped face with bright green mouth


green skirting, green mouth, various colored face


I would also like to trade / sell half of my hammer coral. This picture shows the whole hammer with 10 heads. I'll frag out half of it (about fist size when fully open) for exchange / sale.


Lastly, I also fragged out part of my pipe organ for sale / trade. This is about fist size when extended



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  • SRC Member

i forgot about the favia... i got it from a fellow reefer but i think it's getting "duller" under my T5 so would like to give it up to someone who has better equip to care for it.. i got the favia for $35 from bro sky107line sometime ago.

this is a nice piece cause its a nice dome shape and i think one of my zoa polyp attached itself to the back of it. heh

here is how it looked like in sky107line's thread


here's how it looks like now in my tank under 3 X t5


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i forgot about the favia... i got it from a fellow reefer but i think it's getting "duller" under my T5 so would like to give it up to someone who has better equip to care for it.. i got the favia for $35 from bro sky107line sometime ago.

this is a nice piece cause its a nice dome shape and i think one of my zoa polyp attached itself to the back of it. heh

here is how it looked like in sky107line's thread


here's how it looks like now in my tank under 3 X t5


Hi bro..wat ur selling price for ur favia & zoas frag???where to collect??Thks

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I'm looking to trade / sell some of my zoa frag. Corals that I'm interested in are zoa frag, monti frag, clams, mushrooms (incl yuma / rics)

feel free to pm me and suggest a trade / price. :eyebrow:

here's part of my collection that's ready for fragging

lime green skirting, bluish face, greenish yellow mouth


red skirting with black / bluish face


big pink palys


red striped face with bright green mouth


green skirting, green mouth, various colored face



Interested in these zoanthids ....

lime green skirting, bluish face, greenish yellow mouth

red skirting with black / bluish face

big pink palys

red striped face with bright green mouth

green skirting, green mouth, various colored face

Can give me an idea how much they cost to purchase ? And collection location.

I have frag to to trade but you've got what I've :)

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  • SRC Member

hi all,

have been receiving alot of PMs for my zoas and favia. personally i would prefer to trade for zoo frags and mushrooms then selling them. wanna get more variety to grow

also to answer most of the emails

- collection will be at Bukit Timah (near beauty world)

- i'm not decomming my tank, just trying to diversify my zoa collection abit

also for pricing wise, i'm not gonna give a price. coz then i'll have to go through the whole haggling and bargaining process... haha so to keep it simple, just name me a price for the coral u want (beauty is in the eye of the beholder) and i'll get back to you asap. of course if u can take more, i'll give u priority.


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  • SRC Member

hi all,

currently the favia and pipe organ are reserved. please note that some of the zoas pictured is actually the whole piece. i am only selling / trading frags of those which will have 5 to 10 polyps. I will be doing the fragging this weekend so I will post up more pics of the frags once they are stable and opening up



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  • SRC Member

What are you interested in ? let me see if i can frag. some might be too small for fragging.

closewise: red mushroom, purple with green tint,dark green stripe and pure purple mushroom.

and the one at the bottom right hand corner is yuma. wrasse not included for fragging. :P


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the green one in the middle not avail. but at the foot is dark purplish with the same pattern as the green one but they are still juvenile so cannot see the pattern. and the one at right hand corner is another yuma. green rim with pinkish/beige center.


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What are you interested in ? let me see if i can frag. some might be too small for fragging.

closewise: red mushroom, purple with green tint,dark green stripe and pure purple mushroom.

and the one at the bottom right hand corner is yuma. wrasse not included for fragging. :P



Do you sell red & pure purple mushroom and red & green monti

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due to the overwhelming response, the mushroom i am not selling just trading with this bro here. :) I really hope i can have enough to share with everyone but really sorry as some colony only have a few.

my red monti, that one i can frag for exchange and anyone interested in the blasto can let me know too.

other than that, really sorry abt it. :)

pardon me.


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due to the overwhelming response, the mushroom i am not selling just trading with this bro here. :) I really hope i can have enough to share with everyone but really sorry as some colony only have a few.

my red monti, that one i can frag for exchange and anyone interested in the blasto can let me know too.

other than that, really sorry abt it. :)

pardon me.



Attached is the orange mushroom, do you interested to trade with?

Edgar Yar

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