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Burnt My fingers Again

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys!

Bought a yellow tang 2 weeks ago!

Since they are more pron to white spots, i planned to quarantine for 2 weeks...

Only problem is my quarantine tank is small (about 6 gallons.)

Anyway during the period it kept getting white spots now & then, even partial changing water didnt help cause that also cause change in parameters cause more white spots.

Dosed some malachite green

Anyway after 2 weeks, the white spots were still there & i had to make a dicision to put in the main tank or not, cause the main tank the water is much better...

Anyway i put it in the main tank exposing risking even the existing fishes in the main tank...

Tang was ok for a day , but died on the 2 day with visible white spots on its gills ...

My question is is it worth to quaranatine!

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  • SRC Member

some questions here...what is ur water quality in ur quarantine tank ? that could be the problem.

and the size of the tank maybe too small for any benefit of the tank and could cause more stress in the end.

and is the fish feeding at all ? feeding pellets ?

and where did u dose ur medication ? medication for too long in a small tank will cause more harm to the fish. one hour dip should be enough when u first acquire the fish.

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  • SRC Member
some questions here...what is ur water quality in ur quarantine tank ? that could be the problem.

and the size of the tank maybe too small for any benefit of the tank and could cause more stress in the end.

and is the fish feeding at all ? feeding pellets ?

and where did u dose ur medication ? medication for too long in a small tank will cause more harm to the fish. one hour dip should be enough when u first acquire the fish.

I agree keeping a small quarantine doesnt actually benefit, but there is always cost & space issue if another big tank just for quarantine...

Didnt actually check the parameters cause i used water from the main tank which its very good...Nitrites & ammonia 0, nitrates 20 ph 8.2

Fish was feeding very well whenever the white spots reduced... pellets & nori...even saw it eating brine shrimp when in introduced it in the main tank...

I dosed malachine green 1 drop in about 2 days interval on the 2nd week ...in the quarantine tank.... didnt help much

i had given it a 10 min formallin dip before introducing it in the main tank... might have stressed the fish more... i guess...

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Hi guys!

Bought a yellow tang 2 weeks ago!

Since they are more pron to white spots, i planned to quarantine for 2 weeks...

Only problem is my quarantine tank is small (about 6 gallons.)

Anyway during the period it kept getting white spots now & then, even partial changing water didnt help cause that also cause change in parameters cause more white spots.

Dosed some malachite green

Anyway after 2 weeks, the white spots were still there & i had to make a dicision to put in the main tank or not, cause the main tank the water is much better...

Anyway i put it in the main tank exposing risking even the existing fishes in the main tank...

Tang was ok for a day , but died on the 2 day with visible white spots on its gills ...

My question is is it worth to quaranatine!

It is always worth to quarantine new fishes. If fish has white spot, the only effective way I know is to catch the affected fishes out (very difficult task with LR but best done midnight .. less stressful for sleepy fish but stressful for me! ) and put them in suitably big quarantine tank with good aeration (no biological filter). Then use copper to treat. Exact amount of copper must be used. Too little, not effective. Too much, fish dies. Tough but this is the only effective way! I tried so many other methods... malachite, garlic, herbal, freshwater bath, etc... all never works. Raising temperature is the worst method..it accelerate the white spot infection even faster.

My blue, purple and Naso tangs kena so many times before but had recovered each time using copper treatment. My blue tang is now 8in long and in my tank for 6yrs liao.

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Forgot to mention another VERY important point. Do not return any fish (or at least ich prone fishes) back to main tank for at least 21 days. This is to let any free swimming ICH protozoa to starve to death without a suitable host.

Another helpful point is that during copper treatment, the white spots will drop onto the quarantine tank bare floor after certain days. Its best to suction off these white spots regularly so that they dont have a chance to split and multiply into free swimming protozoa. Day by day the white spot will slowly reduce.

Remember that if you change certain portion of quarantine tank water with new salt water, you must measure the exact amount replaced and add back exact amount of copper solution to maintain the correct concentration of copper dose.

Good Luck!

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