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  • SRC Member

Why are we getting hit by these random advertisers? Is it some kind of bot thing that post in all the sub-forums to sell their ware? Its getting quite annoying. :angry:

I'm also half suspecting that we can't do much about it but to ignore such posts...? <_<

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Looks like we got a few spam infiltrators again. At least its only one or two posts once in a few weeks compared to the flood before! Sigh.

We'll delete them when we see them.



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  • SRC Member
Looks like we got a few spam infiltrators again. At least its only one or two posts once in a few weeks compared to the flood before! Sigh.

We'll delete them when we see them.



Thank you, Sir! Must have been quite a pain to deal with all these nonsense. :pinch:

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  • SRC Member
I have 1 suggestion.

Why not allow new members to post only 1 week after signup.

Maybe that will deter them.

I believe genuine members won't mind the wait..

Dun think that's gonna help much... spammers have all the time in the world. Besides, genuine members might start joining a forum just to ask some questions to solve immediate problems. Waiting for a week just to post will put them off and not use this forum again. Unfortunately, its the internet. Laws aren't that strict here.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Attack of the random advertisers. Here it comes again. Seems that they like to choose start of weekends to attack...

My 1.5ft Nano tank

Equipment: Sump with chaeto, hydor nano wavemakers, Maxspect 60W LED, return pump Rio 12HF

Livestock: 2xMaroon Clown, Yellow Watchman Goby, Algae Blenny, six-line wrasse, Fire & Skunk Shrimp, turbo snails, hermit crabs.

Corals: Zoas, Rics, Hammer, Blue & Green Starpolyps.

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