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Sanders Skimmer


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  • SRC Member

I'll assume you bought the shortest Maxi-skim. Hang-on skimmers will usually leak some air bubbles in the output. It gets worse the shorter the skimmer is.

How low is your airstone?


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  • SRC Member

Those bubbles are just unsightly but there's no evidence that they are dangerous or detrimental to animal health.

You can build a pvc pipe from the outlet such that the water coming out of the skimmer is directed at the surface so all the bubbles can dissipate faster.


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  • SRC Member

That I do not know. Why don't you try it and see what happens.


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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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  • SRC Member

hey i teach u already, if you see fine bubbles coming out from the foaming chamber, increase the air at the water pumping tube (the front where water come out). if you see fine bubbles coming from the water pumping tube, just reduce the air there.

if you have big water bubbles coming out from the water pumping tube, just raise the level of the whole skimmer, it will reduce a lot.

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  • SRC Member

For the maxi skimmer that I'm using, the bubbles will escape from the inlet where water flows in, it serves as counter-current. So unless U do not let water flow into the skimmer, you'll have bubbles everywhere~!

What Bluebeard said will minimize.. but will never rid u of the prob... :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

I'm using the older model sander and the reply on using air control is absolutely correct as I've done it myself. Find this effect quite cool and also the suction effect when the foam was push towards the cup.

Good buy, best buy, must buy! :D

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