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blue/blue or blue/white?

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

Like some advise on this. Does 2 36W PL tube (white/blue) provides better lighting for corals...or 2 36W PL tube (blue/blue) provides better lighting? Any difference?

Is there a difference? Which one provides a better lighting source for the corals (LPS, softies, polyps.....no SPS)?

Coz right now I have 2 sets of 4" PL lighting (2 tubes per set)....both sets are white/blue tubes....i intend to switch 1 set to all blue...wondering would it be better for the corals...or the present combi is better?

Please advise.



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  • SRC Member

Correct me if i'm wrong, but IMO using only blue/white is better as compared to changing 1 set of lights to pure blue.

From what i understand about blue lights, they don't really serve much of a purpose other than for our own pleasure viewing or to simulate sunrise and sunset.

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  • SRC Member

Hi woonming,

ARe T5 tube cheaper then PL tube? say for 55W at 10,000k?

a branded PL tube would cost u at least $50 above... and within 3month to 4 month they turn yellow even if u got 10k..

ATI from edmund would cost u around the same range but u get a long life span than PL .. at least i know they wont have a drop in kelvin so soon ..

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