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Fishes to be sold

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Will be clearing everything from my tank due to NS commitment. Below are the main things that I wanna clear

1)4/1/2 inches goldflake angel: with me for a very long time, eats everything. $400

2)3/1/2 to 4 inches Yellow belly regal angel: with me for a very long time, eats everything. $80

3)Pair of black saddle clown. $20

4)Pair of fire goby, they live in the same burrow. $20 ( will be a very difficult fish to catch despite clearing everything)

Collection will be at Potong Pasir Ave 1 and do call me at 9139 1438(try not to PM)

PS: Previously a guy(u know who you are) have reserved the regal angel from me at a price. If you are still ard, do come out, the fish will be yours at first priority if you still want the fish. Price will be as per before. Thanks

Attach is the pic of my goldflake, regal angel, fire goby and black saddle clown a long time back





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Hi, the Gold flake Angel seems to have a small amount of fin rot... or just stressed out a bit…

Other than that he look very nice, how’s with your corals?

That pic above as I state was the look of the goldflake very long time back. Of course now, the goldflake's fin has recovered totally.

As my tank is sps dominated. I do not see him nipping on any of the corals(sps, euphyllias) except zoos and dendrophyllia.

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