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Temperature for FOWLR

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High temperatures will increase metabolic rates and shorten the lifespans of livestock. Temperature also affects the level of dissolved oxygen in the water plus increase the effect of certain toxens. Best to keep your termperature to below 30 if possible for FOWLR tanks with sensitive livestock.

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High temperatures will increase metabolic rates and shorten the lifespans of livestock. Temperature also affects the level of dissolved oxygen in the water plus increase the effect of certain toxens. Best to keep your termperature to below 30 if possible for FOWLR tanks with sensitive livestock.

I hope i dun sound too bimbotic when i ask - so how to keep temperature low? if mines a FOWLR tank...and i dont have a chiller? any other methods?

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  • SRC Member

Use electric fans? But for the tank your size, you'll need a big or a strong one. Do note that you'll have to cope with rapid evaporation rates. Best to invest in a chiller. Alternatively, you can freeze bottles of water and dump them in the sump to cool the tank. I've never tried it, and I do not know how effective it is or how long the temperature will stay cool. Maybe someone who has experience with this method can provide better advice.

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  • SRC Member
Bought 2 sunon fans from C328 yesterday. 17-18 bucks depending on aunty. Managed to bring my temperature down from high of 31.5 to 28.2. But evaporated about 3 L of water. Does anyone have a link to a DIY water topup system?

IMO, i think there is no need to turn on 2 fans cos your evaporated rate is quite high. Just keep at 30'c and below will do for FOWLR. After June when the weather cools down, then things such be better and you don't need to turn on any fan.

Other ways if you want to consider are:

1. go for lower wattage pumps and wavemakers (if you have) to reduce heat.

2. for fowlr, you don't need strong lightings or prolong lightings for corals, you can turn on when you are home in the evenings

Chiller is definitely not necessary for FOWLR, considering the increasing high electricity bills you have to pay nowadays. Help save the environment too. :rolleyes:

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Just a thought... I'm not sure if anyone has used a temperature controller for fans... not that they can drop the temperature that much, but if set to switch on when the temp is warm and off when the temp is cool, it may help reduce cost and keep the fishes happy?

Anyways, a commercial auto top-off system is not that much more expensive compared to a DIY (unless you really have lobang). Of course, if DIY is your thing, go for it. Satisfaction of a job well done is priceless.

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  • 1 month later...


I recently got a nano reef tank... and noticed the temp is hovering around 30 deg celsius. Am trying to reduce the temp to an ideal range of 24 - 28.. Are there an economical ways I can try to reduce the temp?

Currently have put some ice cubes on top of the sponge filter in the hope of reducing the temp.

I'm looking at some kind of a cylinder which I can use to fill up with water and freeze it and then gently drop it into the tank. I'm trying to be more environment friendly and if possible, not to use any fans.

What do you think?

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  • 5 years later...
  • SRC Member

I m using fan to cool the water..evaporation is crazy so I was planning to install a thermostat to on/off the fan @ 28.5°c/27.5°c to cut down water top up amt..will share more if this work..

So I would like to ask reefers with FOWLR setup, what temp range u have be it using chiller, fan or natural mean to cool the water?..thks

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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I tried many methods like fan, freezing water bottles everynight and using it as topup water.... Yes it keeps the temperature down.. but its really a lot of work to do...

But when i planned to go on a vacation for 3 to 4 days.... these DIY was not a good option to rely on,

Finally ended up with a chiller.... Happy fishes...Peace of Mind during Vacation.

+ Added a D-Link wireless webcam to watch my tank from any where... Left a spare house key in office, ,so if i find anything wrong in my tank, will ask my friends to go to my home and do remote fixing... :eyebrow:

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Btw is 28 degree good enough for angel & tang? Doesn't want to set too low to save on electric bill.Any advise?

depend on the breed, for most fish below 30°c shd b fine..there is aa reefer temp 31°c n ok..senior Reefer shd b advising 27.5°c..I will b keeping mine below 30°c with fan..happy reefing

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Yes, u are right. Me initially putting ice bottle to chill tank but not effective. So finally add a chiller & set 28 degree

Just sharing..

Due to some busy schedules, I also ended up with a chiller for my 3 footer.

I'm using fan for my two footer. Both ways works.

Fishes can survive. I'm pretty sure we are all tactful to maintain the desired temperature.

For my tank with chiller, it is maintained to 28deg.

For fan tank, not more than 28.5deg.


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Just sharing..

Due to some busy schedules, I also ended up with a chiller for my 3 footer.

I'm using fan for my two footer. Both ways works.

Fishes can survive. I'm pretty sure we are all tactful to maintain the desired temperature.

For my tank with chiller, it is maintained to 28deg.

For fan tank, not more than 28.5deg.


Bro, like to ask how much water u top up daily for the 28°c chiller tank and 28.5°c fan tank? Appreciate ur sharing of experience..thks

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Bro, like to ask how much water u top up daily for the 28°c chiller tank and 28.5°c fan tank? Appreciate ur sharing of experience..thks

Hi bro Ken, for my 28deg 3 ft chiller, it took approximately 2litres for 3 days.

For 28.5deg 2 ft fan, it took approximately 1.5litres for 3 days.


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Yes it is close to that. Probably the location is closed to my ceiling fan which operates about 3-4 hrs on weekdays and 10-12 hrs on weekends. Haha...

4 years back, when I was with 4ft tank running on fan, the top up was much pretty crazy. Temperature can hit up 30-32deg. ..

Comparing to present 3ft chiller, it is better.


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Hi bro Ken, for my 28deg 3 ft chiller, it took approximately 2litres for 3 days. For 28.5deg 2 ft fan, it took approximately 1.5litres for 3 days. Thanks.
Thanks bro for sharing..topping of water is something that is a must be it cool by chiller or fan..if use chiller no need to top up water, i may consider..haha..if use chiller, i may go for reef tank..no no no.. My tank now cool by fan blowing at sump refugium n temp at 28degC..water top up ard 5L daily.. Wonder if use chiller daily top how many L..

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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