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Where to get Clip for seaweed/nori?


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Hi, does anyone has any idea where to get the clip for seaweed/nori (Does Sealife has it?)? I used to tie them to a small piece of rock but found it very troublesome. So sometime i just cut it to smaller pieces and throw into the tank just like any other dried food. If i don't need the clip, what else can i do (must be convenient lah!)..

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I use an all plastic clothes peg with a fishing clip to a fishing lead sinker to clip my boiled vegetables, it sinks to the bottom and the tangs pluck at the upright floating vegetable.

When they are done, I use my tongs to pick the 'vegetable peg' up!

For Nori, I usually hand tear and feed. If you clip a big piece, they tend to be torn into chunks which float around and get sucked into the overflow... troublesome!

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  • SRC Member


I DIYed one clip as per my picture. The plastic tube comes with the usual ballons (I actually use a longer piece attached to a plastic stringe and use it to feed my corals).

The green clip is a standard clip we used to seal left over potatoe chips or crackers. I used a hot glue gun to glue the tube to the clip.

The tube is then clipped to a standard rubber sucker.

No need to get our hands wet as I just slide the tubing down into the water after attaching the veggie.


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Very innovative! :D

I am using such a clip... but its red in colour.... :)

Never thought of adapting it as a nori/vege clip!

It will have a very tight grip!

Here's my current vege clip...


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  • SRC Member
Very innovative! :D

I am using such a clip... but its red in colour.... :)

Never thought of adapting it as a nori/vege clip!

It will have a very tight grip!

Here's my current vege clip...

Are those 4 red sea tangs (z. jardini or something?) Very impressive looking display!

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Yellow Tang, Zebrasoma Flavescens.

Purple Tangs, Zebrasoma Zanthurum.

My tangs have been together for two years and they get along fine.

Sadly, I intend to keep only 1 yellow and 1 purple. The other two will be sold away. *sob sob*

I am replacing them with an Achilles Tang and a Powder Blue Tang. Both are the hardest tangs to keep but I intend to succeed with careful feeding and tank conditions.

I have upgraded my tank to such a size for this very purpose as they need the space to feel comfortable.

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u sure tt the powder blue n achilles can coexist together??? both of them r one of the most aggressive tangs. i suggest tt u choose one. similar looking shape fish will stress both out. plus both r from the same family.

n even they r ok for afew months....most of the powder blues in captivity r known to go mad n fight wif most of the other fish. only 1 will be the king of the tank......

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I hear many stories of different tang species co-existing peacefully after the initial tail-wagging, once a pecking order has been established... they will even school together.

Just like my 3 purples and 1 yellow. Been buddies for 2 years plus.

We shall see.

The most aggressive tang is the Sohal tang. Possibly followed by purples.

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I have 4 tangs that co-exist in my 4' tank (One 5" sohal tang, one 3" blue tang, one 2.5" yellow tang, one 2" purple tang). In general they are pretty peaceful together (except sometime the yellow tang will chase after the purple tang). My believe is that u have to get different sizes and add them in from the least to most aggressive order. I'm still thinking of adding another either Achilles or Power blue tang (~4") but to be honest, quite afraid of disturbing the harmony right now!

Achilles, i seldom see the AT (kind of funny when i am asking AT for AT??) at LFS. Where do u see it?

And one more funny observation that happen in my tank.. I find that the fishes tend to be more aggressive at last light (ie. after MH off, and follow by 2x10k off, with only 2x actinic on). That is when the yellow tang will usually chase after the purple tang??

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Yeah I notice that happening sometimes too...

I think that's when they begin to retire into their favourite holes to sleep and they want to chase other fish away from it.

Chanbi, I think you have to special order the AT. I am prepared to invest $100 (at least I think that is the market price now) for an AT and that will probably be the first fish into my new tank, followed shortly by a PBT.

So it can establish themselves... as AT and PBT are extremely fragile and sensitive.

Then I will put my old yellow and 1 purple in.

Now that my tank is twice it's old size... I think the last tang I can put in will be the most aggressive one - the Sohal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

what i do is simply having the lettuce tied with a rubber band and secure it to the rubber sucker... those sucker clips from eheim... and leave it there for the tangs to feed... and those are for the loose stalks..

when i get big bunch of lettuce, i simply force the slip into the stem of the veggie and then stick it onto the glass..

yes.. my hands do get wet... and sometimes, my fiancee complain that my fishes are "smelling" my armpits... :ph34r: this is because i place the sucker deep into the tank...

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