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growing brine shrimps


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Marc Weiss products really are questionable as they tend to over-sensationalize their products in the labels and lack real content analysis.

Some people swear they work... some tests show they are nothing more than water.... like MarineSnow! Worthless and expensive!

:unsure: Oh well.... can someone who has tried it comment?

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Hmm.. true

its tested for 99% water in Dr Ron Shimek food analysis


Marc Weiss product actaully proofs to be better.. or rather as nutrition as brineshrimp.

Im currently trying their dry product ( TLF - PhytoPlan & MarcWeiss - BlackPowder) , am feeding them both to the tank and brineshrimp

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Spiff! Are you into phytoplankton culturing too?


I am actually preparing to start my new Nannochloropsus and Rotifer cultures next week!

Phang: I will posting an article on phytoplankton culturing to feed our reef tanks soon. But knowing how busy I will be the next couple of days/weeks... it could be some time! :P

Roger: I will post more details tonight on the brineshrimp culturing procedures that I use to grow BBS. Did you check out the DIY section yet?

Where did you get the live cultures? Are you using a fluorescent light for the Nannochloropsis?

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They do shipment outside the US?

Ive tried ordering stuff from other sites, most of them r not willing to ship outside US.

Can you tell us about the shipment cost and maybe the collecting procedure?


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I imported it from Florida Aqua Farms.

Yes, flourescent tube 6500k is good enough.

I can't possibly import from US. Sigh...

Can sell me some culture when you get it set up? I want to set up my own cultures....

Donate even better lah...Just joking :P

You have to keep rotifers away from the Nanno, right?

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  • 3 months later...
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u can get a small bottle from almost every good LFS. Aquamart is one of the nearest to u. $6-$8. should last a few months.(A pinch goes a long way)

Clementi has $20 medium size cans.

These are all quite low grade eggs(abt 60% hatch rate),mainly from china.

Buts its easily available here.

In bulk u can also order from china- by 12kg bags or vietnam/laos in 1kg tins(min order 12tins).

i just got some from brine shrimp direct USA-Grade A eggs. reasonably priced.

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hi AT, how does the instant algae you tried compare with the frozen red/green algae and lobster eggs sold at a LFS here ? thinking of giving my corals a treat ! currently feeding the coralilfe smorgasbord, and my red gorgonian and star polyps responding well :)

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hi AT, how does the instant algae you tried compare with the frozen red/green algae and lobster eggs sold at a LFS here ? thinking of giving my corals a treat ! currently feeding the coralilfe smorgasbord, and my red gorgonian and star polyps responding well :)

Out of topic... so I won't answer here.


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Here's an link to an excellent article on brine shrimp.

raising brine shrimp and more about them

I used to have a post on my brine shrimp hatchery but it's lost now.. I will restore it soon.

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