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Vinc's 2ft Cube Tank

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  • SRC Member
excellent! keep the flashing up, their colours will retain very well. a mirror might increase the flashing if they decide to stop for whatever reason, and other dither wrasses will increase flaring and flashing behaviours. if they stop for good, colours may fade. not sure for mccosker, but this is wat i observe for P. lineopunctatus. yours looks big. a nice terminal male size!

good idea on the mirror.. i was thinking of getting another flasher wrasse to increase their flaring.. but dunno what else is nice and affordable, gotta go shopping real soon haha.. my previous yellow-fin stopped flaring, and the colour really faded away.. i must keep this mccosker's colours! :)

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  • SRC Member
Hi Bro,

Any update on the copper-banded butterfly?

Is it feeding?

the copper-band has cleared my dad's tank of aipstasia, and is seen to be eating frozen mysis at the back of the tank, but is usually too shy to come out to the front during feeding.. need to train up its bravery some more..

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  • Senior Reefer
good idea on the mirror.. i was thinking of getting another flasher wrasse to increase their flaring.. but dunno what else is nice and affordable, gotta go shopping real soon haha.. my previous yellow-fin stopped flaring, and the colour really faded away.. i must keep this mccosker's colours! :)

get some fairys. there's no other flasher wrasse that compare to the beauty of mccosker. anyway, all flashers look more or less the same, so attention will be focuses away from ur mccosker. FAIRYS!!!

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  • SRC Member
get some fairys. there's no other flasher wrasse that compare to the beauty of mccosker. anyway, all flashers look more or less the same, so attention will be focuses away from ur mccosker. FAIRYS!!!

fairies it shall be.. shall source around for nice cheap fairies.. :eyebrow: thanks bro!

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  • SRC Member

10th Jan 2010, 4pm.

added something to my display tank.. fingers crossed, heart throbbing, hope its a well-worth risk..

shall post pictures tonight when it settled down.. :fear:

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  • Senior Reefer
10th Jan 2010, 4pm.

added something to my display tank.. fingers crossed, heart throbbing, hope its a well-worth risk..

shall post pictures tonight when it settled down.. :fear:

omg suspense!!!!!!! tell!!!

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  • SRC Member

yar.. no prize for guessing correctly.. shall take more shots of it when it settles down..

notorious fish eater, and an aggressive stinger.. my fingers are still crossed.. :upsidedown:

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  • SRC Member
Nice.. What color is it? Saw some nice one at Ah beng before... Have small green/teal one from time to time...

its turquoise blue.. gotten it from a fren when he decom.. :)

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  • SRC Member
can't wait to see his anemone FTS!!

haha thanks Eniram for anticipating, its nothing much.. i'm just adding a bomb to my display tank.. will try to take one pic when it's solidly anchored.. :angel:

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haha thanks Eniram for anticipating, its nothing much.. i'm just adding a bomb to my display tank.. will try to take one pic when it's solidly anchored.. :angel:

You mean you added ANOTHER bomb??? How can it be a bomb when your RBTA has spawned!! Come on give yourself some credit and furthermore its from your friends so likely it will survive!! Have some faith brother!! Keep the faith!! (Jon Bon Jovi)

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  • SRC Member
is the FAS (full anemone shot) ready? lol :P

ya its ready, but i got back home too late today, haha, tml i shall take a shot of it.. :)

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  • SRC Member
You mean you added ANOTHER bomb??? How can it be a bomb when your RBTA has spawned!! Come on give yourself some credit and furthermore its from your friends so likely it will survive!! Have some faith brother!! Keep the faith!! (Jon Bon Jovi)

hehe ya.. the RBTA spawned, but its inside my frag tank, so its still 'safe'.. this is the first nem to enter my display tank.. i'm scared abt it eating my fishes! :upsidedown:

Nice... Hope it will anchor itself... They dun move much unless they really are uncomfortable...

yupps it anchors very well, and that is the characteristic of the S. Haddoni, thats why i chose this nem for my display tank.. wouldn't want it to roam around stinging my sps-es.. :peace:

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  • SRC Member
Mertensii anemone?

no la bro, i dun have the luxury and $$ for a Mertensii.. haa.. as you know, my tank all normal stuffs one.. nothing rare or fantastic.. its a S. Haddoni.. good enough for me.. :eyebrow:

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no la bro, i dun have the luxury and $$ for a Mertensii.. haa.. as you know, my tank all normal stuffs one.. nothing rare or fantastic.. its a S. Haddoni.. good enough for me.. :eyebrow:

Mertensii not expensive what. I got mine for the same price as a normal carpet anemone. Just got to keep your eyes open. :)

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
Mertensii not expensive what. I got mine for the same price as a normal carpet anemone. Just got to keep your eyes open. :)

wao really? you're lucky haha.. never post some pics to share haha.. :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

here's my newest addition, turquoise blue S. Haddoni carpet anemone.. it has anchored itself nice and comfy, now just waiting for my percula pair to take a liking to it.. :angel:

hopefully in the meantime it doesn't eat my fishes up!



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