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Tiff's Nano

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  • SRC Member

after sometime, coralline and macro algae started growing..


and bought some yuma one week ago.. will purple rims.. only can see on those small polyps..


another pic with diff exposure and light setting..


pardon all the pics were taken by hp.. =)

pico pico pico.

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bro, next time for any medication esp when ur tank with corals...do isolate the fishes before administration of medication. Although it stated wont harm other fishes or corals...but its not 100% confirmed. If really cannot, then leave it....For your info..my clown fish is having the same sympt like yours....but guess what my bugger still swim and hunt like "tiger"

Bro ambystomp is correct...trust me..having a temp like these cant go far...coloration will lost...u will headache. Since now you still serving our nation & i know NSman dun get much from it monthly pay, why not just invest one or 2 fans to blow over the water? else OR save up and invest in a 2nd hand chiller.

But overall, still ok...and frankly speaking I LUV THAT YUMAS of yours.....:P

ANY FRAGS to share?! :D:P

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im using a fan already. The evaporation is like 1litre/day. Buying distilled water can be very xiong the $. My yumas are like growing non-stop. Alot of small frags growing all over, even on the bottom. If i noe how to frag, i dun mind passing it to u. :)

pico pico pico.

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  • SRC Member
im using a fan already. The evaporation is like 1litre/day. Buying distilled water can be very xiong the $. My yumas are like growing non-stop. Alot of small frags growing all over, even on the bottom. If i noe how to frag, i dun mind passing it to u. :)

when u see a yuma flying around not attaching the rock...rem to PM me...u wanna me to pass my no to you? :P:D

1 litre per day...mmm....seems ok, mine was like 2l per day....during the hot weather! :D

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Mushroom likes wave....put a wavemaker infront of the mushroom.....

: X

Wil, get ready to receive sms....lol

haha.. when my yuma's flying ard.. i'll PM u for ur number. :D

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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  • SRC Member
Mushroom likes wave....put a wavemaker infront of the mushroom.....

: X

Wil, get ready to receive sms....lol

haha, good one.. :lol:

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  • SRC Member
after sometime, coralline and macro algae started growing..


and bought some yuma one week ago.. will purple rims.. only can see on those small polyps..


another pic with diff exposure and light setting..


pardon all the pics were taken by hp.. =)

nice> :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

nothing much to update but was bored so took a few pics. YCG sadly could not survive through the dropsy sickness.



Added a normal clown, pickering with my percula at first, now ok with each other.


my firegoby, got bullied by the tag-team clowns.(the green tea bottle(iced plain water) is to cool down the temp of my tank)


pico pico pico.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

not much update as i dun have time to shop for corals..

btw, is there a new growth in my yuma rock? circled in red.


seems like the 2 has paired up.. :rolleyes:



see the sand hole near the firefish? it was dug by the true percula. dunnoe wad's it up to.

pico pico pico.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

seems like im using this thread as my personal diary..

anyway, my light tubes decided they shld retire today and changed to ATIs.


and here's a foto to see the effects on the new tubes.. but, too blue.. cant do the yuma justice..


oh peacemaker, if u are reading this, PM me, i've got a 20c big yuma frag for u as promised. :rolleyes:

pico pico pico.

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Here's some updates after some shopping today. :paiseh:

Red cynarina, very small, very cute sz. As usual, lousy cam, cant show the true color. Abit skeleton exposed, hope it heals.


Went to Sim Lim tower to get a "ready-made" strip of LED meant for moon lights, just connect to power plug. Fixed it under my T5.


And here's how it look.


That's all folks. :thanks:

pico pico pico.

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