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Need some advice for wave-making in my 2.5' x 2' x 2' tank.

I'm planning to create an alternating wave on the left and right side of the tank.

Currently, i'm planning to get 2x Tunze 6025, placing one on each side on the tank (at the back, facing front).

Question: is there any controller that can alternate them?

Not sure if the Tunze single controller can do that? I think it's not very cost-effective to get multi-controller.

Coz if i take multi-controller + 2x6025, that's near the price of a tunze wavebox. :)

Is it possible to get JBJ Ocean Pulse Duo to alternate the 2x6025?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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hi bro,

its not advisable to use 6025 with jbj ocean pulse dou since 6025 is not controllable.it will spoilt the pump in long run.only 6055 is .i think in this case u should get the jbj pulse duo with the jbj pump will be better .since cost its a factor to u.

just my 2cent.

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hi bro,

its not advisable to use 6025 with jbj ocean pulse dou since 6025 is not controllable.it will spoilt the pump in long run.only 6055 is .i think in this case u should get the jbj pulse duo with the jbj pump will be better .since cost its a factor to u.

just my 2cent.

hi xiaochew,

thanks so much for ur advice.

the ocean pulse is considered as 'affordable', but im just not sure what wavemakers i can pair it with.

Accela is one of the brands, just not sure if hydor or tunzes are compatible.

A check on the Internet does not reveal which other brands are okie (besides accela of coz).

Anyone has any experience with this?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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  • SRC Member
hi xiaochew,

thanks so much for ur advice.

the ocean pulse is considered as 'affordable', but im just not sure what wavemakers i can pair it with.

Accela is one of the brands, just not sure if hydor or tunzes are compatible.

A check on the Internet does not reveal which other brands are okie (besides accela of coz).

Anyone has any experience with this?

hydor K series are not controllable... Tunzes non-controllable such as 6060, 6080, 6025, 6045.. if u wan cheap controllable ones, JBJ is the only one for u.. i wun recommend using JBJ to control Tunze NANO 6055.. coz if the tunze is spoil, warranty issue can be a problem

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hydor K series are not controllable... Tunzes non-controllable such as 6060, 6080, 6025, 6045.. if u wan cheap controllable ones, JBJ is the only one for u.. i wun recommend using JBJ to control Tunze NANO 6055.. coz if the tunze is spoil, warranty issue can be a problem

Thanks Kelstorm.

appreciate your advice. i guess it's just back to jbj + accela.

Alternatively, i've did some research over the day, and found this thing called redsea wavemaster pro .

I have not heard of anyone using this here... any experience?

At this price, seems like it's quite a good piece of equipment (taking advantage of the lower USD now lah)

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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