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Wts 3ft x 2ft x 2.1ft custom tank

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Hi everyone,

I'm selling as e above mention custom tank comes wif hood....

1) Thickness 12mm....

2) Sump tank 2.5ft....

Selling @ $350/-

Currently still running wif L/S, lighting & equipement and hope to clear all my L/S by next week....Viewing will be @ Jurong east Ave 1....

FCFS basis......Interested buyer kindly leave ur contact name and number and will have to look for own transport and mover..... :thanks::peace:


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Hi everyone,

I'm selling as e above mention custom tank comes wif hood....

1) Thickness 12mm....

2) Sump tank 2.5ft....

Selling @ $350/-

Currently still running wif L/S, lighting & equipement and hope to clear all my L/S by next week....Viewing will be @ Jurong east Ave 1....

FCFS basis......Interested buyer kindly leave ur contact name and number and will have to look for own transport and mover..... :thanks::peace:

I know of someone who wants to get a 3x2x2 with external overflow!!! (exactly like yours... however, he's asleep now... have already sms-ed him).

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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wah good price for solid tank! Bro u neber tell them the overflow box is built outside, its a plus as compared to conventional design. UPPZ FOR YA BRO!

Bro Soul, :thanks: for ur kind reminder....

Yup! The overflow box was built outside the tank inorder

to have more space in the main tank...And the good thing

that I'd noticed is chances of having fishes jumping inside

the overflow is lesser too....

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O.k then....Just let me know if he's interested ya? :thanks: bro!


can i reserved from u 1st..my wife like the tank from the picture..

nw except the viewing part...sorry for not being able to turn-up for viewing for the last few days.. too many unexpected happen..thks u for ur patience..pls let me noe the outcome..

once again thank you....

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can i reserved from u 1st..my wife like the tank from the picture..

nw except the viewing part...sorry for not being able to turn-up for viewing for the last few days.. too many unexpected happen..thks u for ur patience..pls let me noe the outcome..

once again thank you....

Hey, Don't mention bro! Its o.k to me that you have an issue of a matter of live and death....

Hope that your friend will have a speedy recovery from that accident.....Btw, As per discussion

thru e phone.....I had already told you that once I start posting....I have to be fair to other buyer too.

So I hope you can understand my situation too ya?....But, Once if buyer backout I'll let you know again

k?.... :thanks:

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Good to hear that bro... just got a sms from my friend (the one i mentioned last night to you)...


Hi there bro wilsontantw,

So the reefer that close the deal is ur friend??...Am I right??...Wow!! Really Appreciate ur kindness

& effort bro.... :thanks: 2 you & bro Soul too.... :bow::bow:

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