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WTS Dosing Pump & TLF & Equipments

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1) Aquamedic SP 3000 Dosing pump (free brand new bottle of vaseline given) ($100)

2) Eheim 1250 pump, condition 10/10 (1200litres/hr, 28 watt) ($65)

2) Two Little Fishes Phosban reactor 150 ($45)

3) 4 feet 2 tubes PL light ($20)

4) Hailea HC-500A chiller with faulty compressor ($50) take it if you can repair it or if you want the spare parts like fan, thermostat etc)

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1) Aquamedic SP 3000 Dosing pump (free brand new bottle of vaseline given) ($100)

2) Eheim 1250 pump, condition 10/10 (1200litres/hr, 28 watt) ($65)

3) Two Little Fishes Phosban reactor 150 ($45)

4) 4 feet 2 tubes PL light ($20)

5) Hailea HC-500A chiller with faulty compressor ($50) take it if you can repair it or if you want the spare parts like fan, thermostat etc)

6) One bottle of ARM media, 5lbs, Brand new. Retail at $45, selling $35.

7) Resun MD40, in good condition ($30)

For items 2,3 and 6, can look for more information on reefdepot website.

Speical: 3 black sea cucumbers for $10 or free with any purchase.

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1) Aquamedic SP 3000 Dosing pump (free brand new bottle of vaseline given) ($100)

2) Eheim 1250 pump, condition 10/10 (1200litres/hr, 28 watt) ($65)

3) Two Little Fishes Phosban reactor 150 ($45)

4) 4 feet 2 tubes PL light ($20)

5) Hailea HC-500A chiller with faulty compressor ($50) take it if you can repair it or if you want the spare parts like fan, thermostat etc)

6) One bottle of ARM media, 5lbs, Brand new. Retail at $45, selling $35.

7) Resun MD40, in good condition, view to believe ($30)

Addition: Might want to sell xreef apf 600 model with brand new eheim compact pump for $350. The xreef apf600 model is similar to the deltec apf 600 model, using the exact same Aquabee needlewheel pump. View the performance to believe. Reason for selling: upgraded to a more powerful beckett skimmer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
1) Aquamedic SP 3000 Dosing pump (free brand new bottle of vaseline given) ($100)

2) Eheim 1250 pump, condition 10/10 (1200litres/hr, 28 watt) ($65)

2) Two Little Fishes Phosban reactor 150 ($45)

3) 4 feet 2 tubes PL light ($20)

4) Hailea HC-500A chiller with faulty compressor ($50) take it if you can repair it or if you want the spare parts like fan, thermostat etc)

hey, u have pics of the dosing pump? thx

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  • SRC Member

For those who are still asking or bumping this post please see this:


Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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