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LS n Items for sale


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Clearing some stuffs that are lying around in my house.


1) Marco skimmer w/ seperate PH (up to 3ft good) $70

2) Zoos $5, (2 palm size)

3) leather sponge $6

4) 1 3ft PL Light (White) $35 (plus one free new PL tube)

5) Moon Coral, foc - courtesy of my good neighbour :)

6) bottle of bacteria, dunno wat brand $6.50

7) greenies plant 1 frag, palm size $5

8) eibl angel $10 (not decide yet)

9) mimic tang $10 (chocolate, not decide yet)

10) Small tomato $4

11) air bubble pump bigboy (big) $6

12) air bubble pump small $3

13) 2 pcs of 150watt MH Osram Bulbs, 6700K as per edmund webby, $40, (used less than 20hrs in all)


Corals, no place to put in my reef/fishes tank. now put in my fowlr tank. All in "lively" condition.

Fishes all seasoned, been with me for sometime. Pls do your own checks on compatibility, n cycling before contact me.

Items are definitely in good condition, pls check n recheck, plus u can come knocking to my door, if no good.

Otherwise self-inflicted "injuries" on products + livestock will not be entertained.

All items are self-collected, unless otherwise arranged.

refer link for some pics

2) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=5645&st=0

7) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=5645&st=15 (look at fowlr tank pic)

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update ver 1.1

2) Zoos reserve by siris

5) Moon coral reserve by siris

9) mimic reserve by golden tooth

sorrie guys, moon coral reserve for the first guy who asked.

tks for all the queries. :)

pls note:

I seldom sell stuffs, so all my LFS bags are thrown.

pls intend your own bag n container for LS.


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15) One UV light filter, good at keeping parasites down. $70.

I start taking it out, one of my fish got ich. :(

but most of my fishes are season so I sell it off.

can't recall the model, but it retail for $120 or $110, can't recall liao. old. :(

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