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Selling eqpt


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  • SRC Member

Closing down my tank,

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130.

3. 2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120.

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500.

Please do sms me at 98805726.

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  • SRC Member
Closing down my tank,

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130.

3. 2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120.

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500.

Please do sms me at 98805726.

is the 250w MH with eballast

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  • SRC Member

Sorry my deltec skimmer reserved.

Just to add.

Need to clear my all my rock, just a token of 10 bucks this week end.

Please bring own pail.

US RODI system, change the 2 carbon, DI membrance and filament cartridge

last november. Normally it take a year before changing the cartridges. All

cartriges from Reef Depot. Selling at $150.

All collection in Woodlands St32.

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130. Reserved

3. 2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120.

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500.

6. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150.

7. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls.

Just need to clear all live rock FOC but one condition my take all and bring own pail. FCFS basis.

All collection at Woodlands St32.

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130. Reserved

3. 2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120.

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500.

6. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

7. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls.

Just need to clear all live rock FOC but one condition my take all and bring own pail. FCFS basis.collected

All collection at Woodlands St32.

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  • SRC Member

Some remain coral remaining, need to clear by today.

1. Big pink pocci colony @ $40

2. small pink pocci colony and yellow pocci with green tip

@ $ 25 for both.

3. hammer Lps with 4 branch @ $15

4. Green brain @ $15

SMS me at 98805726

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130. SOld3. 2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120. Reserved

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. reduce to $450

6. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

7. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS

Some remain coral remaining, need to clear by today.

1. Big pink pocci colony @ $40

2. small pink pocci colony and yellow pocci with green tip

@ $ 25 for both.

3. hammer Lps with 4 branch @ $15 Sold

4. Green brain @ $15

SMS me at 98805726

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130. sold

2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120. reserved

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. reduce to $450

6. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

7. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS

Some remain coral remaining, need to clear by today.

1. Big pink pocci colony @ $40

2. small pink pocci colony and yellow pocci with green tip

@ $ 25 for both. Sold

3. hammer Lps with 4 branch @ $15 Sold

4. Green brain @ $15

SMS me at 98805726

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of tunze 6060 with tunze magnetic holder @ $130. sold

2 nos of 2 x 3 ft DE T5 lamp at $120. Sold

4. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

5. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. reduce to $450

6. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

7. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS

Some remain coral remaining, need to clear by today.

1. Big pink pocci colony @ $40

2. small pink pocci colony and yellow pocci with green tip

@ $ 25 for both. Sold

3. hammer Lps with 4 branch @ $15 Sold

4. Green brain @ $15

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. reduce to $450

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

5. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 .

2. Free 4 nos of pajyma cardinal and 1 chromis.

3. True percular clown for $15.

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. further reduction $400

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

5. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS Include the sump

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 .

2. True percular clown for $15.

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer.

3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. further reduction $400

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

5. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS Include the sump. Reserved for New new

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 .

2. True percular clown for $15.

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer. Include spare giessmen 14.5k (used 1mth only)3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. further reduction $400 (slightly nego)

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

5. 3x2x2 tank with overflow with cabinet and hood but without sump as reserve for my fren.

Selling for a token of $50 buck. Still in good condition but arrange own mover and have to

wait for me to clear all the ls. Pending view........and FCFS Include the sump. Reserved for New new

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 . pending viewing

2. True percular clown for $15. reserved

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer. Include spare giessmen 14.5k (used 1mth only) pending viewing

3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. further reduction $400 (slightly nego)

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. reserved

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 . pending viewing

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  • SRC Member

1. 2 nos of tunze 6060 with normal holder @ $100 each

2. 1 no of DE 'luminarc' reflector 250w metalhalide w/ gearbox @ $160

It single ended, no rust except need to clean the salt mark as still using it

and will dismantle once got buyer. Include spare giessmen 14.5k (used 1mth only) pending collection

3. 3/4 hp Pacific Coo chiller, maintained by derrick and last was end Jan

this year selling at $500. further reduction $400 (slightly nego)

4. RODI unit from USA with the cartridge (2 carbon, filament and DI membrane)

change only last November @ $150. slightly nego

Some remain coral remaining need to clear.

1. Big pink pocci colony & Green brain @ $40 . pending viewing

Please sms me at 98805726

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