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WTB Sanders Ozonizer & Kalk Reactor

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whats sand ozonizer and what does it do?

An Ozonizer:

- Augments the performance of protein skimmers and biological filters.

- Produces transparent and healthy water.

- Diminishes the load of nitrite and ammonia evident.

- Augments the redoxpotential and the content of oxygen.

- Diminishes the load of disinfectants in the water.

- Decomposes yellow substances and other pollutants for the degradation inside the biological filter

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Sanders is the brand, Ozonizer is an equipment which has various uses. Basically it doses ozone to either fresh or marine water tanks. Ozone is produced in other equipment unknowingly too, like photocopy machines. Incidently, Ozone is produced during a lighting strike, this would remove unwanted pollutants in the air. Together with pouring rain which brings down dust, the after-rain air is clear and fresh :)

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  • SRC Member
Sanders is the brand, Ozonizer is an equipment which has various uses. Basically it doses ozone to either fresh or marine water tanks. Ozone is produced in other equipment unknowingly too, like photocopy machines. Incidently, Ozone is produced during a lighting strike, this would remove unwanted pollutants in the air. Together with pouring rain which brings down dust, the after-rain air is clear and fresh :)

sounds cool to me..is it cheap?

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