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James New 4ft Tank


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Hi all,

I started marine for about 3 years and decided to post my new 4ft setup.

I would like to share my new setup with experts in this forum. Will continue to post my progress two week time....cos going away for holiday.

All comments on my setup are welcome.


My old 2ft Tank


New tank 4ft x 2ft x 27in 12mm thickness, Full Cabin.

Tank from Aquamarin.....Thanks Janet and Steve for your help


Able to view in three angle.


Tank with all cabin doors open.

A slide panel for my MH lights.


Another view with cabin doors open.


Compartment for Chiller, sump Tank, FR, etc....

Skimmer not install yet....some equipments i still running at in my old tank.

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  • SRC Member

Nice :rolleyes: but the vantilation for your chiller will be a problem. You'll end up opening all doors for better cooling :rolleyes: suggest you open a bigger vantilation hole as big as your chiller in both front and back and cover with black mesh.

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Nice :rolleyes: but the vantilation for your chiller will be a problem. You'll end up opening all doors for better cooling :rolleyes: suggest you open a bigger vantilation hole as big as your chiller in both front and back and cover with black mesh.

Wow, your 2' setup is nice... all LS doing really well...

I like your new setup... 3 sided tank is very difficult to scape (my tank is also 3-sided), so far, i've only managed to scape 2 sides.

I agree with shootsimon, your chiller is going to need cool air intake + blow a out lot of hot air. If it's housed like this, i think the expelled hotair is going to stay within the cabinet, causing the chiller to take in hot air. (overwork)

Maybe you can an hot-air extraction fan or put a small fan at the front of the chiller to blow in cold air, and hot air out.

Another suggestion, you may wish to channel your chiller return back to your main tank, instead of returning to sump. Since it's cold water, why waste it by sending it back to the warmer sump area... just dump directly into the main tank. (It has the additional benefit of generating waterflow into the tank).

Finally, headroom, must ensure that your lights are 'retractable' so that you can have enough clearance when putting in LRs.


More pix more pix...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member

Sweeee.... If space allows, suggest to plumb all pumps externally to reduce chiller kick in. To see the effect of the pump's heat, run the pump in a water container. feel the water after 10 min, and you'll get my point...

yup agree that more ventilation needed...

Also to suggest to see how to protect the electricals from splash..

safety proof your tank :>

if your return is weak, you might wanna consider 45% elbows for pipings rather than the 90% ones in order to reduce headloss.



P.S. can't wait to see your completed setup.

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  • SRC Member

Wow! Another nice tank in the making. Partition tanks seem like the "in" thing nowadays... reefers no longer just emphasize on the "interior" decor, but "exterior" as well. The setup looks quite classy. However, do take note of the practical aspects, as some of the bros have mentioned. More pics! B)

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Thanks all for the advice.....last night i tried running my chiller (Artica 1/3HP) with a aquabee 3000 pump, the cabin heat up.

Now i gonna ask my carpentor to modify my both doors , maybe add in more ventilation cover. I will see how it goes.

At the same time, i might need to open up some more ventilation cover for my lights (2x150w MH with 2PL).

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Thanks all for the advice.....last night i tried running my chiller (Artica 1/3HP) with a aquabee 3000 pump, the cabin heat up.

Now i gonna ask my carpentor to modify my both doors , maybe add in more ventilation cover. I will see how it goes.

At the same time, i might need to open up some more ventilation cover for my lights (2x150w MH with 2PL).

Personally i feel ventilation grooves would not help much...

An analogy: Imagine you put your aircon compressor in your living room (instead of the aircon ledge). No matter how many windows lourves you open... unless there's wind blowing in and out of your house, the hot air is still going to be circulating in your house.

Personally, i left my chiller outside the tank, have a nice little 'cover' for it, but it's not used unless there're guests...


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Personally i feel ventilation grooves would not help much...

An analogy: Imagine you put your aircon compressor in your living room (instead of the aircon ledge). No matter how many windows lourves you open... unless there's wind blowing in and out of your house, the hot air is still going to be circulating in your house.

Personally, i left my chiller outside the tank, have a nice little 'cover' for it, but it's not used unless there're guests...


Meaning to add a fan in front of the chiller and a exhast fan behind the chiller?

Actually i still considering to build a smaller cabin just to place my chiller out.

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  • SRC Member

Nice tank set up :) your chiller return should not go back to the chiller supply pump same compartment, the pump will pump back the cool water to the chiller and may acfect the themorstart working, the best can place your chiller out the tank cabinat. just to share with you :)

Cheers and happy reefing :peace:

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  • SRC Member

very nice setup bro, do update us whenever possible! I think building a smaller cabin sounds like a good idea! :) In the long run it will save you on electrical consumption on having unnecessary heating of the chiller in the main cabinet itself :)

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A 4x2x2 ft tank can be run with an arctica 1/5hp or 1/4hp. 1/3 hp is very overkill and consumes more electricity despite a shorter running period.

I don't think 1/3hp chiller OVERKILLS. Chiller will kick off when reached desired temperture and since shorter running period it should saves electricity.

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Hi guys,

Just came back from honeymoon, time to start the tank. Sorry for not keeping up to date....so busy with work too. Today suppose to go back office, but last min company wants me fly to KL......just reach home about 3 hours ago.



Chiller's back

Just bought a ventilation panel. Add some computer fans....i will see how on these few days....might consider adding a bigger fan.

And also, i trying to see if my chiller's pump have the power to pump the water right into the main tank, might change the piping system also.


Chiller's front

Same thing, cut out some opening for the vents, this improve the air intake.


MH lights above

Add a few computer fans, not bad, able to suck out the warm air from the cabin.


Just started to add salt into the tank with some dead rocks, at the same threw in three dead prawns which i bought from Giant for $0.50 for the cycle.

Will add some live rocks maybe tomorrow.....see how....so busy nowsday.

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Hi guys,

Just came back from honeymoon, time to start the tank. Sorry for not keeping up to date....so busy with work too. Today suppose to go back office, but last min company wants me fly to KL......just reach home about 3 hours ago.



Chiller's back

Just bought a ventilation panel. Add some computer fans....i will see how on these few days....might consider adding a bigger fan.

And also, i trying to see if my chiller's pump have the power to pump the water right into the main tank, might change the piping system also.


Chiller's front

Same thing, cut out some opening for the vents, this improve the air intake.


MH lights above

Add a few computer fans, not bad, able to suck out the warm air from the cabin.

Just started to add salt into the tank with some dead rocks, at the same threw in three dead prawns which i bought from Giant for $0.50 for the cycle.

Will add some live rocks maybe tomorrow.....see how....so busy nowsday.

Seems like the ventilation is much better than previous. :) happy for you bro. Quite 'high-tech' fans u got huh... got lights somemore.

DIY, something i never seemed to do well. haha.

Looking forward to your updates. Slowly update/upgrade, more shiok, can see progressive improvement.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member
Bro, can share where u got the fan from? What's the dimension? Does it come with only 1 fan instead of 3 together?


hey bro Earth.

think you can easily get it from SLS or SLT

but u must find the convertor for it to be placed into our 3pin plugh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry bros out there, been busy with work

Here is some updates, i will be stocking up next weekend.

Just finish cycling the tank, water conditions are okie.

After doing some water change i am ready to stock up. But will do it very slowly.



Will try to landscape this week with some live rock in my old tank.



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Hi Jamo,

Planning to add some nice pieces(bigger ones) of life rocks?

These will greatly improves yr aquascape :eyebrow:

A nice tank needs a nice rock scape B)

Yeah, agree with you

I will be stocking up tomorrow



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