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Waving Hands Polyps


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hi bros and sis,

recently, my Waving Hand Polyps looks weird ... it's attached on a LR ... it did not open up for about 3-4 days ... (usually will open up after about 1/2 and hour of lights on - my lights are those 55w, double slim tube with white and blue, it's a T4 ???) some of the stem of the polyps turn brownish color (suppose to b purple) and a few of it had their polyps left out and died off ... then the rest of the parts had sort of grown algae on it ??? alot of hair like sticking out ... thou not moving ... some looks transparent ...

is my Waving Hand Polyps dying off ???

what are the tell all sign ???

what will happen if i leave it as it is and did not remove it ???

those weird looking hair like algae or something, can i pull them off ???

this Hand Waving Polyps is consider a soft corals, rite ???

If it really die off, can i scrub off the polyps and keep the LR ???

here's a link of the waving hand polyps that looks similar to mine


thanks bros and sis for advise ... cheers ~~

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They have this bad habit of dying off for no apparent reason. I suppose you are referring to those in the genus Anthelia? Anyway..they are easier to keep compared to xenia..but still prone to crashes from time to time...

Crashes might be due to insufficient iodine..but in my case..it happened when my lobster decided to walk on it without fail every night while looking for food...such trampling eventually led to all of them hardening, turning brown..and dying..other colonies that were unreachable by that monster are still doing well.

If you do decide to dose iodine..pls do it carefully. Overdosing can have disastrous results.

Always something more important than fish.


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