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NO2 incrase

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recently my NO2 have increase from 0,0.5 to 0,1 and seems to be getting worst..

may i know whats the reason?

details as below...

i have a sump

filter material:

ceramic chips

cotton sponge

with a deep seabed of 6inch in sump

with a refugium (consist of crabs)

started turning the lights on about 16hrs a day.started yesterday.

Main tank


2 true percula clown

1tomato clown

2 scooter blenny

1 yellow head goby

1 powder blue tang

1 purple tang

1 sicssor tail

1 six-line wrasse

1 bicolour wrasse

1 orange firefish

2 snails

6 cleaner shrimps

2 blood shrimps

3 camel shrimp

and 1 orange starfish

plz help thx

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I think the filtration system of your tank is not mature enough to handle the bioload.

NO2 should be zero before you can introduce live stocks.

Think you have to be worried......if it is still going up then you will lose some of your fishes.

One way is to cut down on the feeding and change water frequently so as to reduce the NO2

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Can you move some of your livestock out temporarily for a few weeks at least?

If you keep them there, the nitrites will kill them in no time.

Your filtration system needs to catch up with the bioload... and as Prof Morgan says... maturation of new tanks' filtration system does takes time... so stock slowly.

It's a common newbie mistake... :) Don't worry!

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