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Help!! Going NS soon..


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  • SRC Member

Hey guys.. I currently have 3 marine tanks in my house.. 1 big 2 small..

I'm going NS on the 27th of Jan and none of my family members know how to take care of my Marine tanks..

So I was just wondering if there were any LFS that I can get to take care of my 3 fully set up marine tanks that have been running for around 2 years..

What does it cost? How often will they come over? I just need them over for abour 3 weeks then I'll be able to go home every week to care for my tanks..

Sigh... Thanks.. :unsure::erm::heh:

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start training your parents

the first three weeks is only your confinement period. you may still get confined for other reasons, namely range, extra, duties, RT and wht have you.

when you go to unit. lagi worse. stay back in camp because of standby, LRI, blah blah blah.

your best bet when situation like that occurs, are your parents.

just call back once in a while to check.

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wah...u where got the $ to buy so mny tanks?

u stay where? maybe i help u keep, but u must help me keep in reurn when i go NS in april, bcos by then ur BMT fin. liao, shld have more time

if u fail ur napfa, u can't go home, even after 3 weeks, u need to pass before a weekend to be able to go home for weekend durind BMT, and u might fail...if they tekan u b4 test, or if training too siong, muscle ache too much....

i tink u just need someone to take care of ur tank during BMT only, u can also buy auto-feeder u know, i dunno the price though....

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you guys must think past your BMT. NS is 2.5 years, not just three months. thinking long term will save you trouble of having to buy many contraptions.

teaching your parents is a good start. allows you to interact with them as well, so that they can't blame you for deserting them when you're too interested in your tank.

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you guys must think past your BMT. NS is 2.5 years, not just three months. thinking long term will save you trouble of having to buy many contraptions.

teaching your parents is a good start. allows you to interact with them as well, so that they can't blame you for deserting them when you're too interested in your tank.

agreed, esp. if u go those siong unit, sure too tired to even look at the tank....even got time will go clubbing or go out one.....

but then if u get auto-feeder, it solves the main problem right? maybe teach ur parents how to change water, but not how to feed....

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agreed, esp. if u go those siong unit, sure too tired to even look at the tank....even got time will go clubbing or go out one.....

but then if u get auto-feeder, it solves the main problem right? maybe teach ur parents how to change water, but not how to feed....

I never clubbed during my PTP and my first two months of BMT. hahahaha. that will give you a clue on how tired I was.

ex-gf had to come from her place to my place just to pull me out of the house to go have dinner with her. :P

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  • SRC Member

Erm.. I stay in Sengkang area.. Is it convienient? Alamak!! So like if after my confinement time I fail my IPPT I still must stay in longer? Argh!!

I also don't really trust my parents.. My step dad INSISTS on maintaining (changing water, washing filter media) with TAP WATER and he loves to overfeed.. My mother knows nuts about aquariums.. Only like to look.. and my bro is only in primary school.. Sigh.. Seriously I dunno how..

Autofeeder also cannot feed frozen food right? That's mainly what I feed my fishes.. Yup yup.. My tanks have been running for like 2 years.. It is only now then I hit a brick wall and have to go NS on 27th Jan.. Sigh..

Hey man thanks for all your replies though.. Think many of you will have to go through my same problem or have gone through my problem.. Sigh..

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I went oversea, ask my wife to take care of the fishes for me. same when I went eh.. reservist, quite worried that my anemone will die, wife dunno abt it, tank comes back crashed. luckily nothing happens.

I tik your side got some sengkang bros that may do it for u. if I stay there, I dun mind actually. too bad I far..

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  • SRC Member

I did the planning 1 year b 4 i entered NS (incase i didnt kana 8-5)

i gave away all my fishes so that no feeding is reguired...

ive a a 24/7 lighted refug macroalgae filter which can managed the bioload pretty well without waterchange for long period of time..

Have a DIY topup system to makeup for the evaporation...

I dose Ca/Carbonate buffer during the weekend after i booked out ..

the only thing i left for my family to do is to make sure the DIY topup system is functioning well (hose r tight and stuff) .. coz i dont want it to flood the house.. u know.. civilian play a part in defense too (total defense) .. we're talking about operational readiness here ..hrhrh

thats for the BMT stage... next u have to plan how to get 8-5 :whistle

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  • SRC Member
I did the planning 1 year b 4 i entered NS (incase i didnt kana 8-5)

i gave away all my fishes so that no feeding is reguired...

ive a a 24/7 lighted refug macroalgae filter which can managed the bioload pretty well without waterchange for long period of time..

Have a DIY topup system to makeup for the evaporation...

I dose Ca/Carbonate buffer during the weekend after i booked out ..

the only thing i left for my family to do is to make sure the DIY topup system is functioning well (hose r tight and stuff) .. coz i dont want it to flood the house.. u know.. civilian play a part in defense too (total defense) .. we're talking about operational readiness here ..hrhrh

thats for the BMT stage... next u have to plan how to get 8-5 :whistle

now all you need is a annual LRI :lol:

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