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Newly Prep Saltwater in Pail Turning Chalky


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Hi folks, i experience this problem of my newly prep saltwater turning murky a few times, anyone knows why?

Basically i jus use Di water in a standard pail, and with a pump running. than i slowly add salt to bring it to the desired salinity level. I am currently using ME salt. And the pump in the pail is 200GPH...

When the salt completely dissolves, the water is still clear. after several hours ( maybe overnight ) the water appears to be murky...

Can someone pls help me identify possible problems here? Is there anyone who experience the same prob...? :(

Is the chalky water still safe for use

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it is not unusal that saltwater become cloudy especially when new and old saltwater mixed during water change.... The cloudyness is the precipation of calcium carbonate. If it clear off after some time, then nothing to worry about. :)

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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it is not unusal that saltwater become cloudy especially when new and old saltwater mixed during water change.... The cloudyness is the precipation of calcium carbonate. If it clear off after some time, then nothing to worry about. :)

hi there, wat i meant was the water in the pail, it was not even added to tha tank yet. and i dun mean the tank water being cloudy after water change... i meant the freshly prep water in the pail, even after running it overnight...

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hi there, wat i meant was the water in the pail, it was not even added to tha tank yet. and i dun mean the tank water being cloudy after water change... i meant the freshly prep water in the pail, even after running it overnight...

No problem as long as the SG is correct.

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