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Decomm tank sale

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 :eyebrow:

April '07: Aquabee 6000 return pump still have warranty - $250

New: 12k Reeflux SE 250W not used b4, Lumenarc L3 reflector, Skimz ballast - $350 per set (2 sets)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120

Hardly used: Deltec PF600S with media, spare water filter, D-D solenoid valve - $650

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60

New: Skimz FR-150 with media inside included and Atman feed pump - $80

New: Atman 107 (5000l/h) pump used for 2 days only- $30

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

Note: hood, light set, fr all used for 1 month or less therefore are in brand new condition. Have receipt as proof :paiseh:

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 (Reserved)

April '07: Aquabee 6000 return pump still have warranty - $250 (Reserved)

New: 12k Reeflux SE 250W not used b4, Lumenarc L3 reflector, Skimz ballast - $350 per set (2 sets)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120 (Reserved)

Hardly used: Deltec PF600S with media, spare water filter, D-D solenoid valve - $650

Deltec APF600 - $400

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60

New: Skimz FR-150 with media inside included and Atman feed pump - $80 (Reserved)

New: Atman 107 (5000l/h) pump used for 2 days only- $30 (Reserved)

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

Note: hood, light set, fr all used for 1 month or less therefore are in brand new condition. Have receipt as proof :paiseh:

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 (Reserved)

April '07: Aquabee 6000 return pump still have warranty - $250 (Reserved)

New: 12k Reeflux SE 250W not used b4, Lumenarc L3 reflector, Skimz ballast - $350 per set (2 sets)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120 (Reserved)

Hardly used: Deltec PF600S with media, spare water filter, D-D solenoid valve - $650 (Reserved)

Deltec APF600 - $400

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60

New: Atman 107 (5000l/h) pump used for 2 days only- $30 (Reserved)

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

Note: hood, light set, fr all used for 1 month or less therefore are in brand new condition. Have receipt as proof :paiseh:

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 (Reserved)

April '07: Aquabee 6000 return pump still have warranty - $250 (Reserved)

New: 12k Reeflux SE 250W not used b4, Lumenarc L3 reflector, Skimz ballast - $350 per set (2 sets) (Reserved)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120 (Reserved)

Hardly used: Deltec PF600S with media, spare water filter, D-D solenoid valve - $650 (Reserved)

Deltec APF600 - $400

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60 (Reserved)

New: Atman 107 (5000l/h) pump used for 2 days only- $30 (Reserved)

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

Note: hood, light set, fr all used for 1 month or less therefore are in brand new condition. Have receipt as proof :paiseh:

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 (Reserved)

April '07: Aquabee 6000 return pump still have warranty - $250 (Reserved)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120 (Reserved)

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60 (Reserved)

New: Atman 107 (5000l/h) pump used for 2 days only- $30 (Reserved)

Deltec APF600 - $400

Good condition: CO2 cylinder (1.5 litre) - $80 (at least 3/4 full)

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

Note: hood, light set, fr all used for 1 month or less therefore are in brand new condition. Have receipt as proof :thanks:

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12mm glass 4x2x2.5ft tank with new hood and side cabinet for chiller with 6 packet live sand/puka shells, plumbings - $300 (Reserved)

New: 4 ft aluminium stand with integrated 2x39W T5 lights (aquablue/actinic), reflectors and ballast - $120 (Reserved)

Tunze dual gauge CO2 pressure regulator - $60 (Reserved)

Good condition: CO2 cylinder (1.5 litre) - $80 (at least 3/4 full) (Reserved)

Deltec APF600 - $400

PM or SMS me at 98468841 for view if interested.

Priority given to those who can collect first.

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