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What's the smallest size possible with regualr tank change?


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  • SRC Member

I have been keeping marine fishes FOWLR (and mushrooms) for about 3 years now. I have tried once a pico tank, (18" x 12" x12") (about 9 gallons) with internal overflow and return pump (all-in-one) I have liverocks, 2 clowns and some featherdusters inside. After a good 6 months without water change, it was more or less self-sustaining. But due to the need to relocate cubicle space in my office (shifting to the 2nd level) and due to the moving and shaking, when transfer to the 2nd level, the tank crashed. So I washed all out. The fishes were in pretty bad shape by the time I bought them to my main tank (2.5ft x 2ft x 2 ft with 2.5ft x 2ft x 2ft sump) they did not make it.

So what I like to know now is, what the smallest size that we can have a pico tank what does not require regular water change at all. (as I am in the office - so perhaps maybe once or twice and year is okay with me)???? Thanks.

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  • SRC Member

Hi I am now thinking that I will try to create a tank that is about 8"x8"x8" powered by a USB-powered pump to house perhaps some pistol shrimp, with some live rock. We see how long this will last with regular weekly water change.

I have been keeping marine fishes FOWLR (and mushrooms) for about 3 years now. I have tried once a pico tank, (18" x 12" x12") (about 9 gallons) with internal overflow and return pump (all-in-one) I have liverocks, 2 clowns and some featherdusters inside. After a good 6 months without water change, it was more or less self-sustaining. But due to the need to relocate cubicle space in my office (shifting to the 2nd level) and due to the moving and shaking, when transfer to the 2nd level, the tank crashed. So I washed all out. The fishes were in pretty bad shape by the time I bought them to my main tank (2.5ft x 2ft x 2 ft with 2.5ft x 2ft x 2ft sump) they did not make it.

So what I like to know now is, what the smallest size that we can have a pico tank what does not require regular water change at all. (as I am in the office - so perhaps maybe once or twice and year is okay with me)???? Thanks.

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