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Bubble coral


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They are mainly photosynthetic due to zooxanthellae colonies they house in their tissues. LPS grow relatively slowly. Photosynthesis can only provide them with carbohydrates to sustain metabolic functions. For growth they will need a source of protein. Hence any form of protein like mysis shrimp will aid in growth. You don't have to feed them protein very often since they grow so slowly...feeding once every 7-10 days should suffice.

Always something more important than fish.


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Yeah.. With their tentacles out at night they are trying to catch food.. you can drop a few mysis shrimp on the coral and see how it directs them into its central mouth..

But beware though as the tentacles may go on to sting other corals if they can reach..

Yup and the sting is very lethal and powerful

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  • SRC Supporter
Yeah.. With their tentacles out at night they are trying to catch food.. you can drop a few mysis shrimp on the coral and see how it directs them into its central mouth..

But beware though as the tentacles may go on to sting other corals if they can reach..

does that mean we shld feed it market prawn only at night?

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Most corals feed on zooplankton during the night as they are more plentiful during that time as they rise from the depths. That's why you normally see sun corals opening at night in the wild.. LPS will then also reveal their tentacles for prey capture. Feeding on zooplankton at night might also be due to the amount of fishes during the day...which could compete with them for food and also attack their polyps.

Always something more important than fish.


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