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Flow rate vs high no3:how to ctr high no3?


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  • SRC Member

Dear all:

Sm info on my tank:

- 6 x 2 x 2.5(PARTITION REEF TANK w FULL HEIGHT CABINET) + 4fts sump

- 4 x 80w ati lights

- 7k aquabee return pump with single outlet to main tank

-twin fr


-mangroves in sump

-1/3hp artica chiller(27'c) vie 2 x 36v uv

-tunze wave maker wit ctr

Current Problem=very high no3.


Q:Does increasing flow rate or up my return pump will decrease no3 reading?

Q:Whats the most ideal pump rate i should use for my tank?(soft corals + lps + fishes)

Q:Whats the pro's and con"s of having higher flow rate?

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Dear all:

Sm info on my tank:

- 6 x 2 x 2.5(PARTITION REEF TANK w FULL HEIGHT CABINET) + 4fts sump

- 4 x 80w ati lights

- 7k aquabee return pump with single outlet to main tank

-twin fr


-mangroves in sump

-1/3hp artica chiller(27'c) vie 2 x 36v uv

-tunze wave maker wit ctr

Current Problem=very high no3.


Q:Does increasing flow rate or up my return pump will decrease no3 reading?

Q:Whats the most ideal pump rate i should use for my tank?(soft corals + lps + fishes)

Q:Whats the pro's and con"s of having higher flow rate?

phosphate at 5ppm is one of the extreme of extreme. i suggest u do water change often... dun even need to run FR as media will get exhaust very very fast ( at 5ppm) and it is a waste of money. change lot vol of water to bring down ur phosphate. the nitrate will be exported during water change as well

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member
phosphate at 5ppm is one of the extreme of extreme. i suggest u do water change often... dun even need to run FR as media will get exhaust very very fast ( at 5ppm) and it is a waste of money. change lot vol of water to bring down ur phosphate. the nitrate will be exported during water change as well

hi hammy.thx for the respond. trying to do more h20 chg. i already clear all bio balls fr sump and keep it as empty possible with only votton to filter the dirts.

trying to look for macraalgae to help. currenlty only hv mangrove.

do you think by adding an additional wave maker or current in main tank helps to lower no3?(more h20 exchange)

ill not denial that im to be blame too when cm to high n03 cos added quite lots of fishes to my reef tank. do you think the de nitrator product by seachem helps?


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  • SRC Member
hi hammy.thx for the respond. trying to do more h20 chg. i already clear all bio balls fr sump and keep it as empty possible with only votton to filter the dirts.

trying to look for macraalgae to help. currenlty only hv mangrove.

do you think by adding an additional wave maker or current in main tank helps to lower no3?(more h20 exchange)

ill not denial that im to be blame too when cm to high n03 cos added quite lots of fishes to my reef tank. do you think the de nitrator product by seachem helps?


having additional wavemaker will not lower ur NO3 at all.. only increase the water movement within the tank.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
Hi bro

The de nitrator product by seachem can only work is your NO3 is 20 pmm or less. I am using this product and the effect with me very slow.

hi sotongnabe. well ur rite abo this product. heard fr sm reefer that its not so effective. do u hv refugium in your system?

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  • SRC Member
having additional wavemaker will not lower ur NO3 at all.. only increase the water movement within the tank.

hi kelstorm. thx for replying. so whats the advantage for hvi more h20 movement in tank?

do you know where i can buy chaeto?beside pris farm cos i dont drive.


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  • SRC Member

Yo bro,

If I remember,

More flow results in less dead spot in your tank. If you notice, areas with low flow will tend to have more diatom, hair algae etc. Furthermore, uneaten food will stuck at some corner with low flow, and rot....

A high flow will also results in a higher turnover of your water to your sump, thus , ya be skimming more efficient.

Pardon my expression error. :P

Ps: my cheato still growing...

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  • SRC Member

Try to look at the source also to prevent adding more to NO3. If not, whatever you do, NO3 will still be high.

Study your bioload and feeding routine. If too many fishes, esp tangs, then reduce. Don't overfed and feed too many times a day. Reduce the amount of frozen foodmix and frozen mysis first. If mysis, defroze and drained out the water.

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  • SRC Member
Yo bro,

If I remember,

More flow results in less dead spot in your tank. If you notice, areas with low flow will tend to have more diatom, hair algae etc. Furthermore, uneaten food will stuck at some corner with low flow, and rot....

A high flow will also results in a higher turnover of your water to your sump, thus , ya be skimming more efficient.

Pardon my expression error. :P

Ps: my cheato still growing...

yes.. more flow means less dead spot, provided u direct them correctly.

as for the italics,

i think a higher flow return pump will result in higher turnover. Mere flow from wavemakers will not increase any turnover of water to ur sump

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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