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Damsel cleaning ?

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys, did anyone notice your damselfish cleaning your tangs ?

cos i did notice mine cleaning up my powderblue. kinda amazing.

and from,


they do clean up seaturtles...

just something to share with everyone and an interesting observation of mine.


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  • SRC Member

just the normal black and white stripe. i know it's not supposed to clean the tang but it's jsut what i saw with my own eyes that it's doing that several times a day.

nothing is wrong or right here. esp for marine fishes, as alot of things are still unknown to us. :D

just sharing with everyone and thou if there's anyone who witness this phenomenon.


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just the normal black and white stripe. i know it's not supposed to clean the tang but it's jsut what i saw with my own eyes that it's doing that several times a day.

nothing is wrong or right here. esp for marine fishes, as alot of things are still unknown to us. :D

just sharing with everyone and thou if there's anyone who witness this phenomenon.


did your tank running around to get away from the damsal? My tank will group up to get away my black damsel. Not sure is playing or frighting hahaha

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  • SRC Member

hahaha...it doesn't really run away for mine.the damsel peck a few times then he swim away.

then can see the damsel doing it a few times a day even that i feed them like several times daily but the tang is not annoyed and yet it tilt abit to it's side.

it just looks kinda cute for a damsel to do that...haha.

hope can take a pic of that.

there are many things which is still a mystery to us or even that it is known, it is not witness in captive.

like boxer shrimp is supposed to clean up fishes but doesn't do that most of the time in captive.

hahaha..but i did witness in the past a few times but not frequent when mine was still alive. :(


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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member
Did you know that even juvenile angelfish do cleaning duty to very large fish?

that i have to agree :), saw before juvenile bannerfish (butterflyfish) cleaning off bigger fishes as well..

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just some hard facts for others to know.

mola also known as sunfish.

they are actively been capture for food in taiwan and jap.

it also kinda seems they are currently overfish.

big but clumsy and dumb fish. it can damage the hull of a ship.

haha..that's the power.

kinda know all these becos i work as a fulltime tutor and happened that the kids are also

fascinated by mola so did a short research before.


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