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lightset comparisons T5s


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  • SRC Member

hi all,

just wondering would the difference be really big, between branded lightsets like ATI versus more low profile lightsets like Macro, or even china brands like Hopar..

assuming i am to use ATI true actinics tubes, would using other brands other than ATI PM affect the performance of the bulbs greatly?

let's say, comparing ATI PM, Skimz, Macro, and Hopar.. assuming same number of tubes fixture..

just wanna get a rough idea of the different views on this, whether which would be cost efficient..

feel free to express ur views..

thanks alot guys.. :thanks:


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  • SRC Member

It all depends on the reflector use, ATI/Tek-light/Giesemann uses individual reflector for each tube which give higher PAR as compare to single reflector for all the tubes. Also, depends on the design of the reflector which give the max throw of light. The tube lifespan also depend on the type of brand.

As for tubes, my advise is to go for ATI or Giesemann. I have used cheaper brand tube which is only good for the first 3 months and then slowly get dimmer. I am using Giesemann tubes for my T5 set now.

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  • SRC Member

thanks alot bro dersuz, yupps tubes-wise im definitely getting good ones, but what abt fixture? meaning to say as long as reflectors-wise is individual, the fixture wouldn't play a very big part?

hm.. which makes alot of sense as well.. chinese brands usually uses only 1 single big reflector.. whereas german brands uses individual reflectors, i guess thats what makes them expensive..? gotta look for cheaper alternatives that utilises individual reflectors i guess..

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  • SRC Member

i saw a couple pics from the website, but apparently doesn't come with 'screen' in this case, salt will enter the endcaps and crystalize on the tubes easily? hm, does it have individual reflectors?

nowadays nobody selling any 2ft lightings.. coz i am definitely looking for 2nd hands.. can't afford first hand.. :)

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  • SRC Member

icic, thanks ppl.. so i guess the answer is yes, expensive fixtures does play a big part in bringing out better lightings, value for money i guess.. :)

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