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WTT Plastic Bags for Zoa frags


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I am hoping to trade some breathable bags (in packs of 10) for either zoa frags, nice mushrooms, rics, or even a couple of kg of live rocks. Size of each bag is 7.5" x 12".

This bags allow you to transport fishes without worrying about them dying from lack of oxygen. It allows CO2 to escape through the lining of the bag and allow O2 to flow in through the bag to replenished O2 in the water.

Here's a write up on what it's about.

It especially useful for aquarist who go on trips overseas to target wild speciements. This reduce the need for areation equipment and takes up less space per bag during transportation back to Singapore. It's also useful for people when they exchange fishes, shrimps and marine inverterbrates with each other, as most of us will not have access to pressurized O2 tank to pump up the bags for transportation locally. The longest I have kept a fish (3.5" wild caught Indian Hind Grouper from Sibu Kelong) in the bag is 4 days, on the 3rd day I open the bag to replace 50% water as I was afraid the wild caught hind would be badly effected if the Ammonia in the bag got too high. After the water change I re-seal the bag for another day and a half day. I have also used this bags to collect fishes from some of the aquarist here, so don't worry it's a proven technology :)

Not worth alot, but if you have something to spare and I have something to spare then why not. :)

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