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Help! Zoas not opening up!?


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Help!!! I'm getting quite desperate. So happy when I initially brought home some zoas and they opened up nicely. Subsequently, they started shrinking. now only one patch of them is opening up slightly while the other 2 just refuse to even try to open. What's wrong?

I tried changing 10% of the water already. Never change anything in the tank either. :cry2:

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Help!!! I'm getting quite desperate. So happy when I initially brought home some zoas and they opened up nicely. Subsequently, they started shrinking. now only one patch of them is opening up slightly while the other 2 just refuse to even try to open. What's wrong?

I tried changing 10% of the water already. Never change anything in the tank either. :cry2:

could ur tank qater qualities b worse than e fishshop one????

if u feel thts nt possible then ur current might b too strong or dou keep a lot of fishes? like angels or butterfly??? :pirate::pirate::pirate:

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  • SRC Member

check for zoapox, they look like white blothes on your zoas and they spread fast..

alternatively check for nudibranches or snails.. doing a freshwater dip might help..

also, a pic would be better.. good luck.. =)

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I did a freshwater dip already. Doesnt seem to hv any white spots or anything remotely alien on them. My mushroom is doing fine. No other corals. I hv a lemon peel angel which may be the cause but she doesnt really bother the corals also mah..... I sit there watching for 1/2 hr to see if she misbehave but don't hv leh...

I uploaded 2 photos but dunno if you guys can decipher anything from it.

will try to do another water change tmr..............


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  • SRC Member

no signs of pox nor diseases.. but i heard angels are known to nip at zoas, might wanna supervise ur angel more.. just in case..

alternatively u can try shifting its location and see whether he likes his new spot ornot..

keep us updated.. =)

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Oh.... may it be bcos I put the zoas too near to the light? They'r about 11" from the light

my zao loves strong light and strong flow :) if you zao slowly disappearing... it might be your lemon peel. if it closed up and then turn blown and shrink and disappear... there is unexplained problem many zao keeper face. if it closed up then open up after few days, it is ok.

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Oh.... may it be bcos I put the zoas too near to the light? They'r about 11" from the light

what lights are u using? actually from what i observed, different zoas have different likings.. some high current high light, others low lights.. but generally bro lobster is right, most prefers high current and lights, at most some will show signs of 'browning' but they will still open.. try shifting the location lor..

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could try seperating the zoas from the angel.. and give it a few more days.. could be due to stress also..

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Yeah... probably too stressed from me staring at them, willing them with my might to open up and display their glory.Wahaha!

Anyway.... still hvnt open up even though I quarantined them

I could be wrong, but it seems like your cup coral is not opening as well.

A few troubleshooting questions:

1) What's your water temp?

2) What's your nitrate/phosphate levels?

3) maybe you can put them where the water flow is slightly better (Not super strong, but sufficient)

4) Yes, it could be the lemon peel. I personally had to remove my half black angel as it nipped on my buttons as well. This resulted in the buttons in 'closed' mode most of the time.

Guess that should give us some insights....

hope this helps...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Aiyeah... wun hv time to "play" with the tank until Sunday... super hectic these few days.... Cust pestering me for their cars...

Probably force myself to get new test kits and get the problem retified. My ehiem pump giving problem too. Seems like it's blowing out micro small bubbles. I also dunno how come suddenly got this problem...

Getting super disheartened... feel like discomming everything....

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dun be disheartened, hang in there, rectify the problem, and things will turn out fine.. cheers to happy reefing.. :peace:

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Aiyeah... wun hv time to "play" with the tank until Sunday... super hectic these few days.... Cust pestering me for their cars...

Probably force myself to get new test kits and get the problem retified. My ehiem pump giving problem too. Seems like it's blowing out micro small bubbles. I also dunno how come suddenly got this problem...

Getting super disheartened... feel like discomming everything....

No stress one ah... this is like troubleshooting you know...

But first must know where to start to find it.

Quite simply, get the test kits, if any of the values are higher than norm, then its time to fix that.

If all parameters okie, try shifting the location of the zoas, sometimes a matter of inches will help.

If all else fails, then throw it into my tank... :)

Reefing is a journey, not a destination, take your time to figure things out, talk to ppl here, most are usually very encouraging... PM usually works better.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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No stress one ah... this is like troubleshooting you know...

But first must know where to start to find it.

Quite simply, get the test kits, if any of the values are higher than norm, then its time to fix that.

If all parameters okie, try shifting the location of the zoas, sometimes a matter of inches will help.

If all else fails, then throw it into my tank... :)

Reefing is a journey, not a destination, take your time to figure things out, talk to ppl here, most are usually very encouraging... PM usually works better.

Wahaha! Can't get past the money factor. The test kits are so expensive! Guess I got no choice.

Anyway.... dun mind giving u the zoas if all fails but my zoas arent the pretty ones. Scared u will be disappointed. :heh:

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thats weird.. try another piece then. :P

btw.. when ur zoas come try to place them on sandbed first.. slowly move them up towards light if needed.

and dont freshwater dip once u take them back. will stress them even more and the colour might fade off too.

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thats weird.. try another piece then. :P

btw.. when ur zoas come try to place them on sandbed first.. slowly move them up towards light if needed.

and dont freshwater dip once u take them back. will stress them even more and the colour might fade off too.

Yeah.... maybe it's bcos I shocked them by placing too near the light source when i bring them back.............

Thanks for your advice.... going Auntie there later in the afternoon. get another piece to try..... :eyebrow:

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this is your remedy..

put ur zoos in a dead spot in ur tank..

zero current flow...

dose iodide sea chem.. base on your tank size at least 2 capful day...

try not to dose anything after evening...

it got nth to do with your lightning dun worry i dun think your zoos is US one rite?

if indo zoos sure can take t5 or :rolleyes: even Mh one.. no worries

seriously speaking ur little angel is still suspicious... issnt there any place it doesnt like to go in your tank?

like other fish territorial places?

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this is your remedy..

put ur zoos in a dead spot in ur tank..

zero current flow...

dose iodide sea chem.. base on your tank size at least 2 capful day...

try not to dose anything after evening...

it got nth to do with your lightning dun worry i dun think your zoos is US one rite?

if indo zoos sure can take t5 or :rolleyes: even Mh one.. no worries

seriously speaking ur little angel is still suspicious... issnt there any place it doesnt like to go in your tank?

like other fish territorial places?

Taking RedDevil's advice, I shifted the zoas to a lower position..... changed 10% water... so now just hv to wait and see.... At least the new piece I bought today seems to be faring better than the rest.... Slowly opening up...

Alternatively, I could catch the little angel. But where to put then? I love it a lot that's why I bought it.... Sigh......

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  • 4 weeks later...
Taking RedDevil's advice, I shifted the zoas to a lower position..... changed 10% water... so now just hv to wait and see.... At least the new piece I bought today seems to be faring better than the rest.... Slowly opening up...

Alternatively, I could catch the little angel. But where to put then? I love it a lot that's why I bought it.... Sigh......

First time I got a zoa, it didn't open too. Until I found that evapouration and a fault hydrometer cause salinity to be way too high. So maybe you can check that too and get those glass floating types which is more reliable compared to those swing arm type. Got money a refractometer lagi better :)

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First time I got a zoa, it didn't open too. Until I found that evapouration and a fault hydrometer cause salinity to be way too high. So maybe you can check that too and get those glass floating types which is more reliable compared to those swing arm type. Got money a refractometer lagi better :)

Hmmm..... I think i din acclimatised them properly.... Cos subsequently, I bought another batch of zoas and they hv been ok. Tested my parameters and everything's fine. guess it's more like fate that 2 particular pieces refuse to open

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