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What coral for HO T5 10,000K


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  • SRC Member

Hi brothers,

Just got a 2nd-hand lightset of HO T5 2x10,000K from a friend :D

May I know what corals are suitable for this lighting? Thank you so much! :thanks:


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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  • SRC Member

well most LPS are ok.but nid more lights.

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  • SRC Member

mushrooms and leather????? seriously not much info to go by....like the length of the tubes, type of tubes, the light set and your water parameters.....some brand of HO tube from china are only a little brighter then your normal FL lights and not much use in supporting the needs of corals.

it can be misleading to think that most LPS required little light....my LPS like acans, lobo ....etc while at the bottom part of the tank still requires a signification amount of light in order to maintain bright enough colors....

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  • SRC Member

Thanks, it is a 4ft lightset. According to my friend, it was purchased from AquaMarine.


Water parameter should be: NO2 is zero, NO3 is around 20ppm.

So is this good enough for LPS? Mushrooms? Zoos? Leather? Star Polyps? Thank you so much!


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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  • SRC Member

Any experts to advise what type of corals are good for this lighting? :thanks:


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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  • SRC Member

i'm assuming 2 tubes for a 4ft tank? might not be sufficient i think, but mushrooms shouldn't be a problem..

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