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Redsea Sailfin tang Desjardini (Xchange/Sale)


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Guys, i bought this really nice piece of Adult Sailfin Tang - Desjardini (not the normal sailfin) about 1-1.5 weeks ago.

It's an adult size one, and now i have 2 big tangs in my 2.5'. They're both friends, but i realised my tank is not going to let both tangs swim the way they should... Thus, i've more or less decided to let go of one. The sail fin.

Best fit for a 4footer.. (3 would be okie too)

For those interested, please read more here:Sailfin Desjardini

Images will be Pmed to those keen. (viewing the real thing would be better).

Fish is eating on henry's gourmet + grazing on LR + nori (tied to stick)

If you wish to xchange, please let me know whether you wanna trade a fish/coral.

If you wish to buy, please give me your offer... i still need to catch the fish out (only if there're serious/keen buyer).

View to confirm purchase, happy then buy, not happy its okie.

Location: Bedok Reservoir

Timing: weekends or late nights

I've got some hard corals that i'm planning to let go as well. For those who buy the fish, i'll sell the corals off at cost price (if not lower).

To sell or even give: Big Lobo (just bought tonight, realised it doesnt really fit my tank.

Buttons (bought some time ago, but totally regret it) normal ones.



decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Here's a pic of the Sailfin (taken about 5 days ago).


Fish is now out of main tank.

Weekdays are generally difficult to meet up, due to my working hours, so hope to close sales by sunday (17 feb).

Those interested, please PM me... i'll send u more details (if needed).

Note: colouration on the fish may change with mood of the fish. It's sometimes pale white, sometimes black.



decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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