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haha... sorry dude, i definitely am not the grand master. (and i'm not being humble!)

there are really some real grand masters around... mine are just basic stuff.

i like low-maintenance stuff... coz lazy lah...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Wilson, you got some nice zoas.. @_@

thanks terryz...

but truthfully, they are really common stuff.

Most, if not all, are left overs... i normally do not chiong shipment, which explains my lack of exotic stuff.

I'm looking for sunflower zoas... if you have some frags... (for sale or xchange) pls PM me.

And, to borrow something from U2...

...and i still haven't found, what i'm looking for... (sunflowers ah... and some red/red zoas).

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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thanks terryz...

but truthfully, they are really common stuff.

Most, if not all, are left overs... i normally do not chiong shipment, which explains my lack of exotic stuff.

I'm looking for sunflower zoas... if you have some frags... (for sale or xchange) pls PM me.

And, to borrow something from U2...

...and i still haven't found, what i'm looking for... (sunflowers ah... and some red/red zoas).

Eh.. ready to exchange with u le..

Can save a few of the black with yellow ring polyps for me? (I have only 1 precious polyp of this)..

What do u mean by sunflower zoa.. any photo reference?

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wa wilson. no horse run liao. bo peh zao. glad to see my ring zoas are thriving!!! dunno how i so lucky found that in sg. spread the seeds everywhere!!!!

eh... really leh, these are leftovers... nowadays i can't go shopping during weekdays... so can only 'hope for the best' when i have the time.

And today, i had to cut short my shopping, coz kena "mobilisation" by CO just after 1 hr. sianz...

i can tell u where the gems are! ppl like... ambxxxx, chamxx, marxxxxx, minxxxx, nuclxxxxxxx.., jqxxx... they are the real zoas king/queen with super rare and exotic stuff...

i just happen to collect the commonly found ones.


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Eh.. ready to exchange with u le..

Can save a few of the black with yellow ring polyps for me? (I have only 1 precious polyp of this)..

What do u mean by sunflower zoa.. any photo reference?

bro... the black with yellow ring belongs to bro Lemon, must check with him first ah... haha..

my duty is to resurrect it...

Previously there were 3 polyps that dropped out, and i glue it to frag plug, hoping it'll propogate, but it's all in my Flame Angel's tummy now.

Lemon: wat say u? so far, i'm preparing to frag into 3 pieces (1 for you, 1 for amby, 1 for me)... i can always cut it into 4...

(hopefully we can all get some decent ones).

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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thanks terryz...

but truthfully, they are really common stuff.

Most, if not all, are left overs... i normally do not chiong shipment, which explains my lack of exotic stuff.

I'm looking for sunflower zoas... if you have some frags... (for sale or xchange) pls PM me.

And, to borrow something from U2...

...and i still haven't found, what i'm looking for... (sunflowers ah... and some red/red zoas).

Quite nice leftover.. I have various shades of blue zoas, zombie eye... Used to have Sunflower but all melted...

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Eh.. ready to exchange with u le..

Can save a few of the black with yellow ring polyps for me? (I have only 1 precious polyp of this)..

What do u mean by sunflower zoa.. any photo reference?

bro cham... this is the sunflower, did a quick search and found one from sis ming's thread...

(photo credit: ming69)


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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bro wilson. the zoas are urs la! hahaha!! frag to whoever u want! permission granted lol!!

yes sir! okie... next weekend will be operation frag the zoas (provided no mahjong session!) haha...

honestly, i just setup another tank for the new zoas... i realised my main tank no space liao... some zoas melted when i put them in betta box without proper flow... damn sad!

so gotta do daily water change (from main tank - prop tank - throw away) - everyday!!!! damn tiring!

hopefully can clear off all zoas soon.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Quite nice leftover.. I have various shades of blue zoas, zombie eye... Used to have Sunflower but all melted...

wah... i only have 1 small frag of blue... (again, with rings)... i'm not sure what's zombie eye - so need to check.

r u looking to exchange? there are some ready for xchange, but some, cannot even frag.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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wah... i only have 1 small frag of blue... (again, with rings)... i'm not sure what's zombie eye - so need to check.

r u looking to exchange? there are some ready for xchange, but some, cannot even frag.

But not mine.. Haa..

Zombie eye

You got what frags to exchange?

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But not mine.. Haa..

Zombie eye

You got what frags to exchange?

must ready to exchange (already fragged):

1) purple with light blue dot

2) Yellow skirt with yellow ring (various sizes)

3) green radioactive (vietnam)

can't remember what else... lights off liao...

need to frag

1) daisy look-alike

2) ring of fire

3) gorrilla nipple (will frag only when needed)

4) bright pink (will frag only when needed)

and maybe a few more...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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I am quite interested in this two?



1st piece, must wait awhile... coz i just got them, i also trying to figure out if can frag nicely. (there're only abt 20polyps) - i'll keep u in mind.

2nd piece, should be easier... i actually do have frags (but some melted while in betta box - so i'm left with only this colony) - i'll try to cut some out next week.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Day of mixed feelings... just got home and saw my flame angel died.

strangely, it has been feeding aggressively, and there's been not much change to my tank.

except that last night there was a power outtage for 10 hours (by the time i'm home)...


In memory of him...


Strangely i was just contemplating of removing him from my tank as it's been nibbling on my zoas!

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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