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New fish - An acanthurus glaucopareius (hehe: lemon, do i sound like a biology geek?? oh well, googling does help)

Saw this piece during last week's shipment, but did not dare to try it, as it just arrived.

But 1 week on, i revisited the LFS, and it's still there, so decided to take the dive today! Bagged it home, acclimitised for half a day... and into the tank it goes...

As it's a powder series, i'm really keeping my fingers crossed. My 2nd attempt at keeping a powder tang. First was a powder brown, which outgrown the tank and had to be sold off. (Sad)..

Hope this new fish likes the living condition in the small 2'x2'x16" holding tank. Besides it has to share with an existing albeit smaller Purple Tang.

Stare??? Don't lah, it can get you killed.

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Showing off the left side

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And now the right

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Just for the record:

Powder Black Tang (some call it gold rim tang) - acanthurus glaucopareius

Bought: 21 November 2010

powder black!! one of my fav!!

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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You are GOOD! indeed, that is the old name... i got a little confused by the new name (when i do a search, it popped out powder brown or blue).

Anyway, powder black/gold rim seems 'cooler'.

I'm not sure if i can 'fatten' it up, but it sure is cleaning up my 'coraline' algae. just minutes after introducing into the tank, it grazed off some coraline algae from the glass already. For now, i'm just hoping it doesn't have a 'break-out'.

Threw some pellets, hoping it can 'follow' the Purple Tang, but it didn't. Thus i guess it'll take awhile.

So das neh, this is the black beauty you mention huh, NICE ! But seems the stomach a little sunken leh got to take note. Anyway bro, hopefully you wont turn into another bioterm gig...i got quite stressful whenever i read Lemon's comment on fishes (my tounge got all twisted) :wacko: ...heee still like the term gold rim :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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powder black!! one of my fav!!

Glad u liked it bro. :) I've always loved Tangs. But had put all these on hold due to SPS. Who knows, I may just do a fowlr becos of this chap.


So das neh, this is the black beauty you mention huh, NICE ! But seems the stomach a little sunken leh got to take note. Anyway bro, hopefully you wont turn into another bioterm gig...i got quite stressful whenever i read Lemon's comment on fishes (my tounge got all twisted) :wacko: ...heee still like the term gold rim :upsidedown:

Hehe. This is it bro! No choice, of the 4 in the shop, this guy is in the best condition. Already pecking on rocks and eating coraline algae (strangely). PT that's sharing the same tank is already on pellets. I think should be quite ok. Powder Tangs are always a gamble.

Oh did I mentioned that I was from science stream and I took pure biology??

But more importantly, I flunked it! Hahaha.

I am more of a mathematics guy.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer

So das neh, this is the black beauty you mention huh, NICE ! But seems the stomach a little sunken leh got to take note. Anyway bro, hopefully you wont turn into another bioterm gig...i got quite stressful whenever i read Lemon's comment on fishes (my tounge got all twisted) :wacko: ...heee still like the term gold rim :upsidedown:

ooo did not know i make u confused!

nxt time i speak less mumbo jumbo.

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ooo did not know i make u confused!

nxt time i speak less mumbo jumbo.

Next time must learn from you how to pronounce those words, than i can practice it a little and tounge wont get cramped so easily liao :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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:friends: Bro...go for the ultimate TANG lah...a harem of ACHILLES will do wonders in ya SPS-infested tanky. :eyebrow:

opps... forgot to add that i bought this partly becoz i cant bear to spend that much money to buy an achilles or long-nose black tang.

this could be a substitute (and boy it's only a small tiny fraction of the price).

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New fish - An acanthurus glaucopareius (hehe: lemon, do i sound like a biology geek?? oh well, googling does help)

Saw this piece during last week's shipment, but did not dare to try it, as it just arrived.

But 1 week on, i revisited the LFS, and it's still there, so decided to take the dive today! Bagged it home, acclimitised for half a day... and into the tank it goes...

As it's a powder series, i'm really keeping my fingers crossed. My 2nd attempt at keeping a powder tang. First was a powder brown, which outgrown the tank and had to be sold off. (Sad)..

Hope this new fish likes the living condition in the small 2'x2'x16" holding tank. Besides it has to share with an existing albeit smaller Purple Tang.

Stare??? Don't lah, it can get you killed.

post-13920-020271300 1290354906_thumb.jp

Showing off the left side

post-13920-075342400 1290354942_thumb.jp

And now the right

post-13920-057276400 1290354967_thumb.jp

The "back" side is censored as this is a family-friendly site


Just for the record:

Powder Black Tang (some call it gold rim tang) - acanthurus glaucopareius

Bought: 21 November 2010

Nice catch. About 2.5 to 3 inches in size ? One of my favourite. You will a have much better chance if your tank has plenty of algae for it to graze. May the force be with you.

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  • SRC Member

nigricans is one of my fav too.. also known as 'whitecheek'.. it grows up to be stunning, and its beauty is comparable to AT, in my opinion.. good catch! :)

p.s. for acanthurus, i usually put in nori on clip everyday for it to graze on the whole day while i'm not around.. this will fatten them up pretty quickly.. can also soak in selcon and dried the night before for extra nutrients. :thumbsup:

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Hey guys, glad u like it as much as I do.

I was just sharing with Cedric on sat night how much I regretted not buying on shipment day.

Luckily it was still available yesterday afternoon (after 8days).

It's still new in the tank and doing the tail-fight with PT. Hope it will not be too stressed up.

Perhaps I should try the mirror trick or do a mini rescape.


Will update weekly (where possible).

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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:friends: Bro...go for the ultimate TANG lah...a harem of ACHILLES will do wonders in ya SPS-infested tanky. :eyebrow:

Ultimate would be a gem tang. Haha. Obviously, I'm not prepared to spend that kind of money. But IMHO, I feel this also nice with such an affordable price tag. :)

Nice catch. About 2.5 to 3 inches in size ? One of my favourite. You will a have much better chance if your tank has plenty of algae for it to graze. May the force be with you.

Ermm, I guess its about there. Mine's a small tank, can't get too big a tang. :)

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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You! Wah. Thought u disappeared Liao.

Sadly no FTS yet. Cos main tank has 2 frag racks. Can't get a decent shot.

Planning a minor re-scape in late December to add more rock space.

Should be able to get rid of the racks then.


So when can we tiger time at the "clinic"???

tiger time at "clinic"?? anytime man.. summore got "multi-storey carpark" easy to find parking... LOL

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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nigricans is one of my fav too.. also known as 'whitecheek'.. it grows up to be stunning, and its beauty is comparable to AT, in my opinion.. good catch! :)

p.s. for acanthurus, i usually put in nori on clip everyday for it to graze on the whole day while i'm not around.. this will fatten them up pretty quickly.. can also soak in selcon and dried the night before for extra nutrients. :thumbsup:

Hey thanks for the tip. I'm trying to control the feeding (and the poo). So will go slow on feeding. Coincidently, the powder black is feeding on pellets! :)

Seems like a good sign.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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