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Hey guys. I'm back online again. Last night in Spain. Will be off to Paris tomorrow. Really doubt will have internet access for the next 3 to 4 days.

But do help post pics if u take them k.

Totally forgot abt the green mantis. Maybe should take out my pico glass tank in the cabinet next to the main.

Must try to ween it to frozen food though. Tough bugger huh, could go without food for so many weeks. No to mention in a small scoop of unaerated seawater.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member

Hey guys. I'm back online again. Last night in Spain. Will be off to Paris tomorrow. Really doubt will have internet access for the next 3 to 4 days.

But do help post pics if u take them k.

Totally forgot abt the green mantis. Maybe should take out my pico glass tank in the cabinet next to the main.

Must try to ween it to frozen food though. Tough bugger huh, could go without food for so many weeks. No to mention in a small scoop of unaerated seawater.

*envious envious*! hope you're having fun there!

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come to think of it so did you guys steam boat the mantis shrimp... and wilson, you keep a mantis shrimp with the rest of your livestock? Or is it in a seperate little enclosure on it's own? Brave siah u.online2long.gif

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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We want pix! We want pix! And Ray, why do I think you're half kidding me on the mantis going back into the tank? Haha.

Back to civilisation again! Phew. Got internet again. Btw, I think my mum is staying over at my place this week. So if u r going over, dun be surprised k.

Counting down now, 5 more days of holidays.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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We want pix! We want pix! And Ray, why do I think you're half kidding me on the mantis going back into the tank? Haha.

Back to civilisation again! Phew. Got internet again. Btw, I think my mum is staying over at my place this week. So if u r going over, dun be surprised k.

Counting down now, 5 more days of holidays.

lol wilson heart itchy liao... :upsidedown:

after being in civilisation so long, if no internet, will felt very disabled.

luckily you're also travelling so wont feel that much "disabled"

any nice pics of your travel pls also post here haha :upsidedown:

5 days come back,settle the tank and LFS here we go~ :idea:

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lol wilson heart itchy liao... :upsidedown:

after being in civilisation so long, if no internet, will felt very disabled.

luckily you're also travelling so wont feel that much "disabled"

any nice pics of your travel pls also post here haha :upsidedown:

5 days come back,settle the tank and LFS here we go~ :idea:

bro, after this trip, cannot afford to chiong lfs anymore.

I'll post some pix when back in sg. Need to go thru all the photos. I took abt 200shots a day. Crazy I tell u.

But just really miss my boy and wondering how's the tank.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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hey bro sorry to off topic. chiller is ready for collection. drained all the water inside (as best as i could. sure have some inside).

thermostat and sensor has been fixed not too long ago. awaiting your confirmation on collection when you get back! and enjoy your trip :)

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  • Senior Reefer

Okie dolor lemon bro.

Heard abt ur new tank plans. Cool huh. Would be glad to help if you need any.

Will call u when I'm back. Most prob over the weekend k.

haha thanks! yah excited about my new set up too.

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We want pix! We want pix! And Ray, why do I think you're half kidding me on the mantis going back into the tank? Haha.

Back to civilisation again! Phew. Got internet again. Btw, I think my mum is staying over at my place this week. So if u r going over, dun be surprised k.

Counting down now, 5 more days of holidays.

Yo!!! haha.. wanted to post pics last 2 days but busy with MJ... hahahah

anyway here goes...

Sorry no pic of the mantis.. cannot find him liao... sick.gif







A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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200 shots a day not much la.. when i go for photo trips... average i think at least 500 a day... haha.. but maybe only 10% is good... 1% is excellent shot i already very very happy.

Anyway, just enjoy your holidays, i am sure Ray took very good care of your tank.. (contents, probably empty liao!) :P

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IF the mantis is really in the main tank, I think you would have seena different rockscape cause Ray would have pulled down the rockscape and then REDID the whole thing up again! LOL

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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IF the mantis is really in the main tank, I think you would have seena different rockscape cause Ray would have pulled down the rockscape and then REDID the whole thing up again! LOL

no la.. one person do damn siong.. need to wait for him to come back then tia together.. hahaha...

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Oh just some updates, ray and i took out all the rocks and baked it under the sun and rain....so confirm mantis KIA!!! Dead carcass found and confirmed its dead!

Don't worry bro its all in good hands! <_<

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Yo!!! haha.. wanted to post pics last 2 days but busy with MJ... hahahah

anyway here goes...

Sorry no pic of the mantis.. cannot find him liao... sick.gif

woah... everything looking good man, thanks a million.

zoas - much better than expected! i kinda expect half the RB zoas to KIA.

rics - 2 of the green rics seemed to have shifted position. hehe i know, cos the 2 were placed at a particular spot to cover some ugly rock hole.

bubble - good size now! seemed like it just enjoyed a good feast...

multicolour acan - nice nice nice... glad to see it surviving!

duncan - beautiful! like you said, this is my success story.

super sun - all polyps open wor

alveo - think it seems like it needs some feeding...

haiya, overall looking damn good, now i can enjoy the rest of my holidays... thanks much bro...

as for the mantis, somehow i just think you guys had it for supper and left it's carcass. doubt it's in main tank, else i would have received a sms from you already.

though, it would have been pretty cool to keep a separate mantis pico hor.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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nice pic,haha seems the corals are doing fine with good husbandary from ray :kiss:

you making WT worry leh, cannot find the mantis :heh:

eh, oni bro, how come you use the "kiss" emoticon sia? dun tell me you are with Ray? hmm....

anyway, like you said, corals are doing good under his care, he's got ability to take care of a bigger tank than his current nano.

Andn the mantis, nah, im not overly concerned... i managed to survive 2 years with it in the main tank, if it's in again, then so be it. But of coz, better without lah... so dun need to keep hearing 'tick tick tick' at night.


200 shots a day not much la.. when i go for photo trips... average i think at least 500 a day... haha.. but maybe only 10% is good... 1% is excellent shot i already very very happy.

Anyway, just enjoy your holidays, i am sure Ray took very good care of your tank.. (contents, probably empty liao!) :P

Yo Ketchup bro, you are semi-professional. I'm just an amateur man... haha... but 500 a day is really excessive man! I cannot imagine sorting out the 'good' and 'excellent' from the rest. Honestly, during the past few days, i tone down alot, only took abt 50 a day, some even use my iPhone. Getting lazy lah...

One of the site worth mentioning is the Lourve, i was really impressed with the design and architecture.

IF the mantis is really in the main tank, I think you would have seena different rockscape cause Ray would have pulled down the rockscape and then REDID the whole thing up again! LOL

no la.. one person do damn siong.. need to wait for him to come back then tia together.. hahaha...

Desi, Ray: no problem lah, if it's in, then let it be lah... it's fate. hahaha... but im sure Ray and Jeremy had it for supper liao, that's why come up with this excuse! hahaha..

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Oh just some updates, ray and i took out all the rocks and baked it under the sun and rain....so confirm mantis KIA!!! Dead carcass found and confirmed its dead!

Don't worry bro its all in good hands! <_<

Hehe, thanks bro, i'm sure the stuff are all in good hands, the photos looks good....

mantis, hmmmm... dun bluff lah, it's ok if you guys had it for supper. i'm cool. just get a peacock mantis as replacement, i'm ok.

so did it "rain in spain"

on the contrary, it didn't rain in spain. In fact, the rain was everywhere but spain. We had the best sun in Spain and almost got a sun burn during a short swim/tan session.

But the rain in Paris was boring. Everything look so dull and gloomy, you can tell from the pics. Will post some shots when im back in SG.

anyway, i kinda revisiting the thought of a new 4'. hahaha... but i guess all will change once im home again.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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