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  • SRC Member

Nice tank, nice zoos. Show us photos of your Kim sotong cyna soon.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member

Oops. sorry to spoil the surprise... :whistle


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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XD i think i also know. but ya it was really beautiful! quite suprised its stil there after so long. good buy good buy!

i'm really sorry to disappoint you guys man... cyna from kim sotong alright... but it ain't that red piece... price is indigestible...

went for another green one instead (price difference is almost 5X!)

and i'm trying for another true "sotong" coral... smaller this time, this time round, i'm treating it with lotsa respect! am giving it medium lighting and flow for now... hopefully this one can make it... if this fails... that's it... no more true octo.

no pix yet... coz the one i took last night was blurry... and tonight going for my another hobby.


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Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Wah RC also got night racing? The cars would look cool with led tail lights :eyebrow:

got headlights too wor... i've added one more pair of LED as additional headlights... so it's super bright...

but didn't really enjoy myself tonight... modded the car, supposed to be better, but it's swinging out of control... boring.

need more more more practise...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer
A 2-mouth yuma...

Not sure, but i was told by some reefer that it's not normal for yuma to have 2 mouths, as this is not the way they 'propogate'...



issit true?

i have the exact same yuma with 3 mouths. the exact same one. lol. i dunno leh it has been 3 mouthed for like dam long liao....

i also have some 2 mouthed rhodactis. some stayed this way for long long times, while some split into 2. recently my yumas and rhos hav been splitting alot. some with 2 and 3 mouths. i think they do tend to split more when they hav more than 1 mouth.

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i have the exact same yuma with 3 mouths. the exact same one. lol. i dunno leh it has been 3 mouthed for like dam long liao....

i also have some 2 mouthed rhodactis. some stayed this way for long long times, while some split into 2. recently my yumas and rhos hav been splitting alot. some with 2 and 3 mouths. i think they do tend to split more when they hav more than 1 mouth.

i also wish to see some of my mushies split... but dunno if that's me... but i often see 'small' polyps growing out, and not splitting of the polyps...

eh lemon... my xenia still not pumping... any clue?? finally got myself a PH meter - it reads: 8.2

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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  • Senior Reefer
i also wish to see some of my mushies split... but dunno if that's me... but i often see 'small' polyps growing out, and not splitting of the polyps...

eh lemon... my xenia still not pumping... any clue?? finally got myself a PH meter - it reads: 8.2

actually. why the xenia pumps or not is a mystery leh. no one knows yet. some say to get better water flow tru the polyps, some say to absorb nutrients, etc etc. there are many xenias that do not pulse but still continue to grow. if they dont pulse it doesnt mean they are unhealthy. its actually very normal for a xenia to not pulse....

but some of the things that xenia likes are Ph of lowest 8.3, and low to moderate flow. they pulse best in very minimal water movement. regular iodine dosage. sometimes they can one day just start pulsing one. but watch ur Ph also. some ppl keep up up up their Ph to get the xenia to pulse and in the end never take note and crash everything. i have seen xenias pumping in ph of 8 also. but they prefer 8.3 ish.

also, the best best best candidate for pumping is xenia umbletta from red sea. the polyps are very big. very similar to a clove polyp, but pumping. this species pumps the best. what we are getting now is the pom pom xenias and the normal xenia elongata. although they also pump, i think they are less prone to pump if compared to the umbeletta from red sea. hav not seen the red sea xenias in singapore leh T.T dunnno if they got import but i never see, or never import at all.

that one is a true beauty. the same one i show u in a video the last time. anyway, my xenias have started pumping although quite weakly. no choice the current there quite strong. no other place liao... the other one is not pumping at all though. regardless of the pumping, i think white xenias look really pure and very beautiful. i would enjoy it wether it pulses or not (:

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you know what... i'm truly impressed by your knowledge despite your age!

now... i think it's time i do some research on how to push up pH... haha...

thanks a lot bro.

actually. why the xenia pumps or not is a mystery leh. no one knows yet. some say to get better water flow tru the polyps, some say to absorb nutrients, etc etc. there are many xenias that do not pulse but still continue to grow. if they dont pulse it doesnt mean they are unhealthy. its actually very normal for a xenia to not pulse....

but some of the things that xenia likes are Ph of lowest 8.3, and low to moderate flow. they pulse best in very minimal water movement. regular iodine dosage. sometimes they can one day just start pulsing one. but watch ur Ph also. some ppl keep up up up their Ph to get the xenia to pulse and in the end never take note and crash everything. i have seen xenias pumping in ph of 8 also. but they prefer 8.3 ish.

also, the best best best candidate for pumping is xenia umbletta from red sea. the polyps are very big. very similar to a clove polyp, but pumping. this species pumps the best. what we are getting now is the pom pom xenias and the normal xenia elongata. although they also pump, i think they are less prone to pump if compared to the umbeletta from red sea. hav not seen the red sea xenias in singapore leh T.T dunnno if they got import but i never see, or never import at all.

that one is a true beauty. the same one i show u in a video the last time. anyway, my xenias have started pumping although quite weakly. no choice the current there quite strong. no other place liao... the other one is not pumping at all though. regardless of the pumping, i think white xenias look really pure and very beautiful. i would enjoy it wether it pulses or not (:

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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  • Senior Reefer

sometimes ph good also they wun pulse one ): dun get too happy soon. no la...all this info can find on net. i read on xenia coz i dam sian to see them not pulse. i think its "kua heng suay" i got 4 colonies. only 2 are pulsing.

anyway this is xenia umbeletta from red sea. dam big the polyps compred to normal elongatas.



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sometimes ph good also they wun pulse one ): dun get too happy soon. no la...all this info can find on net. i read on xenia coz i dam sian to see them not pulse. i think its "kua heng suay" i got 4 colonies. only 2 are pulsing.

anyway this is xenia umbeletta from red sea. dam big the polyps compred to normal elongatas.

haha... i guess i'm just lazy lah. tsk tsk tsk... these are VERY NICE!!! i think i should read up more...

hey... how's school ?? so far so good? or still dreaming of when to chiong GO?? haha

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  • Senior Reefer
haha... i guess i'm just lazy lah. tsk tsk tsk... these are VERY NICE!!! i think i should read up more...

hey... how's school ?? so far so good? or still dreaming of when to chiong GO?? haha

got some psycho ppl in my class....weirdos. other than that! very good. found pieces of my personality split into many different ppl. so can "click" with them better. haiz GO ah...shipment tonight -.- got one blasto SUPER DUPER nice...they post on another forum. dam really regret looking at that page...i wish i was flooded with homework so i hav no time to see all this stuff...

ok la only got time to see this forum at night. but must find a way to beat peak hour traffic...school starts at 9 on some days and its hell to be in the train at 8am...seriously. i rather eat skimmate from skimmer than go into a train during peak hour -_-


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hey hey where e lemon zoas lolx..

some pics pls..

i haven't been taking pix for that black face with yellow ring...

u gotta take my word for it... i 'resurrected them'! lemon was here recently, he seen the 'transformation'...


eh, actually besides me, someone else also took the other frag which i told lemon to keep... dunno how is that doing though...

okie jokes aside, i gotta be home before 8pm to take the pix... but lately i've been OTing, the pix taken under blueplus and actinic come out very bad.

i tried liao... you see...





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Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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hey how is ur red skirt golden yellow zoas from iwarna doin

actually it gone very bad review for e red skirt ones..

already got 2 reefers whu bought frm iwarna

entire colony melted... into fungus...

plus the one in iwarna display tank its 3...

a piece of advice dun buy iwarna zoas even big colony if they r not attached to rock..

they can turn from fully open to melted fungus in 3 days..

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any chance for me to resurret some of them lolx..

iwarna zoas all u hv already ?

of coz.. but i'm thinking how to 'chop' this piece up... i'll try to chop up the rock over the weekend okie?

how many polyps you want ah?

hahaha... bro, you see me very up wor... no way lah... i only buy 1 or 2 each time... (err... cheap ones, i'll get more lah).

frankly, i'm waiting for a chance to view (read: raid) your tank

the ones that i'm hunting are sunflower and those everything red red type (pls dun ask me the name)...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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hey how is ur red skirt golden yellow zoas from iwarna doin

actually it gone very bad review for e red skirt ones..

already got 2 reefers whu bought frm iwarna

entire colony melted... into fungus...

plus the one in iwarna display tank its 3...

a piece of advice dun buy iwarna zoas even big colony if they r not attached to rock..

they can turn from fully open to melted fungus in 3 days..

do you mean

A) post-13920-1240331329.jpg



actually hor, both are not from iwarna wor.

Thanks for the advice bro... usually i dun like those skin zoas... (strangely, those that i bought from HK, are all skin... and so far, they've been holding up).

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both iwarna do carried in also..

eh hw come u no ask e hongkong pple wan to export here a not

then no nid buy air tickets next time mahz..

i realli tempted to chiong bali coral farms lehz..

seems damn cheap lahz.. all e red fungias... damn....

haha... see, another carrot head in me.

frankly, im not good with cantonese, cannot hold a decent conversation with them, the shop owner like a bit buay song me when i ask to pay by credit card (somemore he scrutinise my card - coz not HK card)...

bali coral farm ah... dunno where leh, last time i was there, dun even know got such thing as farms in bali... i only know ku de ta. haha... chill out place... got lotsa eye candy there.

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Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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haha... see, another carrot head in me.

frankly, im not good with cantonese, cannot hold a decent conversation with them, the shop owner like a bit buay song me when i ask to pay by credit card (somemore he scrutinise my card - coz not HK card)...

bali coral farm ah... dunno where leh, last time i was there, dun even know got such thing as farms in bali... i only know ku de ta. haha... chill out place... got lotsa eye candy there.

hw abt e legendary eye candy "FISH TANK" no pics? lolx..

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