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A new beginning


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Firstly, like to thank all the wonderful people out there who helped me to restart my hobby (after 4 years).

During this period of time, i've been busy preparing for my new job, new life, new house, new car... haiya, everything new lah... So had to give up the marine hobby (which is good, coz i was just merely trying out previously). Tried lion fish, clown fish, yellow tang (fav), even a special tank for mantis shrimp! Yes, i've got 2 of them!!!

Now that everything's settled down, it's time to restart, had hope to do a 4/5 footer... but the equipment & maintenance costs just dwarfed my ambitions. Small can be beautiful too right? hehe... Anyways, i'm sure we all have more than 1 hobby... so i dun think i can afford to spend too much on this. I still want to enjoy my cigar + macallan whisky nights.

So now, with special mention to:

Andrew (not a forum member): thanks for driving the lorry from bedok to jurong west... helping me to carry the tank and cabinet... and driving at 60kph half way across the island to ensure we both and the tank gets back in perfect condition.

Simon (fellow colleague/neighbour): for helping me kick-start the tank, working till wee hours of the morning. And always keeping me posted on equipment/good lobangs on SRC!

Simon (my bro-in-law): for sharing with me precious info on a good and reliable setup. (Especially on the type of fish to get).

Hon (my client!!! haha): for passing me the really nice HUGE piece of Dead LR. It really helped in my rescape. You'll see in the upcoming posts...

Last but not least, Sunny: thanks for selling me the tank plus all those freebies. You really are a very nice guy. Honest seller with great integrity.


Enuff of Oscar's speech! Here's it comes...

CHAPTER ONE - Finding the right tank

About 2 months back, i started hunting for a new tank for my home, hoping to be in time for CNY! It's going to be a new talking point.

With the plentiful resources from SRC's pasar malam section (kudos to the administrators for keeping SRC alive after all these years). Found a few options ... Ranging from 2 ft cube -> 4 ft partition... Then started reading up more about the new technology (FRs, CRs... etc... Gosh, now they even have computers to control feeding/dosing/ sms you when tank leaks?!?!?) Anyways, i'm not exactly a millionaire, so gotta plan budget... After doing my sums... I realised, maybe a slightly smaller tank will do...

Thru some coincidence, managed to buy 2.5' x 2' x 2' tank on sale, and bought it the same day i viewed it. Tank is almost perfect condition. Only that it's been used before, i'll rate it 9.5/10! (0.5 for being 2nd hand)

After all the dismantling, carrying, pushing, loading into the lorry, and driving at 60kph across the island... Managed to reach by home at around 11.30pm! by the time we finished moving the tank up 12 floors, and connect up, it's almost 2am in the morning. So off we went for supper. No more messing with the tank till the next day.

Tank specs: 2.5' x 2' x 2' main tank with cabinet and sump + Aquabee 5000 return pump + CL650 + MH+T5+moonlight + JBJ Auto top-up with reservoir


Here's the sump (very well ventilated) See the big lobang at the back! The tank comes with an Aquabee 5000, tee-off to CL650 chiller.


Chiller is nicely housed in the white cabinet next to main tank. Neat huh!


Dun take my words for it, all these came with the tank. Sunny, i dunno what else to say but... THANKS AGAIN! Great guy!


Coming up next... Chapter 2 - Setting up of the tank.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Chapter 2 - setting up the tank

Keeping the LR alive (some bought, some given)


Kept where? Common toilet of course!


Curing curing...


Hey, got freebies wor


Bought 3 jerry cans of NSW from T95, trust me, it's no joke lugging them into the car and out.


Cycling of LRs done in tank.

Wanted to do a Bare bottom tank... Somehow that will change along the way


Threw in a couple of bacteria starters to expedite the ANN process!

Next: Chapter 3 - Scaping!

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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seem like an exciting start for you bro

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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Chapter 3 - Scaping

Thought of doing a volcano styled rockscape.

This will allow the MH to spread its intensity around the tank. THis will allow for lotsa swimming space for fishes.

First Scape - Volcano-style


Filling up with Tropic Marin Salt + water (that's my friend stirring the salt in sump)


Viewing with moonlight

And have decided to add SSB to give it a more natural look. Instead of DSB, i'll find another way to export nitrates.

Used Live Sand (from someone's tank) + bought live sand from Iwarna. They also have Live Sand packed in plastic bags with NSW inside. No washing needed. Just dump in! (Price is very affordable). Bought one whole box of it.


Next: Chapter 4 - Skimmer choice!

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Chapter 4 - Skimmer Choice

Currently using a T-Loan skimmer from a fellow reefer/colleague/friend, Simon.

This skimz skimmer was previously used for his 5 footer. So, no doubt, it's going to work just fine for mine.

And very fortunately, the footprint fits just nicely into the sump! No more, no less!

Skimmer placed into sump

Height fits just perfectly, and the footprint fits just perfectly in the sump area. Waste collector is just nice sitting at the remaining space available as well.

It's maciam made-to-measure for this tank!


Powering up the skimmer T hours










It's always a good idea to get an over-size skimmer! It's really amazing when you see the kind of dirt that comes out of it. It's worth every single cent to invest in a good skimmer.

Next: Chapter 5: Live Stock

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Chapter 5 - live stocks

So, after all the ANN process... waiting... waiting... and more waiting...

The live stocks are in! woohoo... now this is the Enjoying part... LFSing...

Just a few highlights of what my N95 can capture. (Some not too bad shots actually).

A very nice firefish from AM


open brain from ah beng

It looks like this clown wants to host it!


Purple tip anemone from Ah Beng with black clown from T95

Bought 2 clown fish, hope they'll paired up, but sadly, they apparently hate each other...


Cleaner shrimp from Iwarna


Star fish from AM


No clue what this is, came together when i bought the buttons


My old scape with lotsa fish! Skimmer working overtime!

Sailfin tang will be released when new rockscape is done. In case YT bullies it.



1 x sailfin tang desjardini

1 x YT

2 x Chromis

2 x black clown

1 x half black angel (WTS this one)

1 x Purple Firefish

1 x sand shifter star

1 x cleaner shrimp

1 x cleaner wrasse

1 x candy hog wrasse

Next: Chapter 6 - The Colloseum!

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Chapter 6 - The Colloseum!

In order for both tangs to NOT fight within the tank, i have to do some really major rescaping. Changing their habitat totally.

Fellow reefer Hon (who's tank just cracked), passed me a 10Kg LR. I cracked it into 1 large piece + 2 smaller ones to do up this new scape...

What i call - The Colloseum... Modelled after the Italian elliptical amphitheatre.

Take a look, compared to the old volcano scape, this one wins hands down. Now both tangs have their own space, they're perfectly happy to see each other... In fact, they eat the red bamboo together. Hell a lot more swimming space (i wonder why, when i've more LRs). And i realised the brain opens up much better on the sand, instead when previously placed on LR. Lobo is also happy. The only thing not happening is Green Star Polyps are not opening at all.

Sad, and i wonder why...

Both left and right slopes can be used to place more softies and LPS, and when the tank matures, SPS can be placed on the top most deck! Best part, the sand bed, hehe... quite a lot of things to buy lor!

The Colloseum!



Just a quick look at the very packed sump



That's all for now...

Chapter 7 will be written when more things are added... (I'm looking for really nice mushies... if you have some to spare/sell cheaply... pls pls PM me).


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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seem like an exciting start for you bro

It sure is... i just hope i'll continue to keep on reefing after setting it up.

Sometimes, this hobby is about continuing what we've started.

I rarely see tanks that lasts over 2 years here. IMHO, i feel the tough part of reefing is the maintenance and upkeeping of it, ensuring it grows over time. Not just starting it. On the other hand, i'm quite amazed by the computerised care of the tank, feel like studying more indepth of how such equipment works. This will probably take the pain out of the daily maintenance chores.

(Even preparing food for the fish, takes me about 20mins every morning!) *yucks*, thus, im always late for work!

Think i'll should stick with a 2.5' tank, ensuring the maintenance bills dun bankrupt me, and still leave me some dough to have other fun! :)

But that's just me.

Comments about the tank are welcomed! Both Compliments and Criticisms.


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member

a great welcome back mate!

real neat stuff! ;)

patience is one of the keys to success in this hobby. so try to be patience when adding LS though i know its hard to control. :lol:

for that tank that size, i suggest you avoid ozone and add a UV instead. this handy tool helps alot.

cheers mate, reef on! and happy lunar new year too!

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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Glad to see my tank is in good hand..

Everything is looking good and neat, just like what i did lol :whistle

I will follow your thread closely :eyebrow: don be lazy ya.. must keep up with the good work :lol:

I still have the K2 with me, see if you need it... just pm me :)

Glad to see you are enjoying it... Like you rock scape!b

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Thanks to all you bros for the encouragement!!! i wish i can reply to you guys individually, but im really exhausted today, after entertaining my client for CNY dinner. Didn't managed to meet up with a potential buyer for my Half-Black... Sorry bro, we'll try again tmrw.

Got home earlier, and realised that the black clown is now 'hosting' the open brain! *~$#~!&%*$#@#%$%&^*&

Is there any way i can make that clown realised it's an open brain... not his host anemone!?!?!?

I have a few questions, was hoping to get some advice. Yah... noob qns, but then again, everyone has one chance to ask stoopig question before he gets yellow card right?

1) CR, i can't afford/dun think i need one right now.... Just wondering, if i was to dose, what should i get/do? Kalkwasser? I'm currently using Iwarna's Top Up Water. Will that suffice? Objective, I wanna get nice coralline on rocks. Actually a better question is, i would love to add strontium/trace elements/calcium... as this will help with the hard corals, thereafter SPS.

2) Denitrator, should i get one? My nitrite is almost nil, nitrates are there, just within the acceptable range, but i wanna get rid of it. Besides denitrator, i understand mangroves/chaeto can also help to export nitrates. Just curious what will you bros recommend? For chaetos, must it really be 24hrs light on? The insump light is hot hot ah. Im trying to make it as easy to maintain as possible.

3) UV light, Law suggested that i should get it... i'm giving it some good thoughts. Just wondering, right now, my fishes are doing pretty okie. So besides killing unwanted bacterias, would that help to improve my water para? I wanna slowly mature the tank from now... SPS will be my eventual target.

my personal to buy equipment list:

1) Denitrator/or anything else to export nitrates

2) Dosing pump?

3) CR

4) UV

5) Some computerised system to help automate certain maintenance (anyone can recommend product/cost, so i can start to do some research? Aquatronica vs IKS??

Sunny: yes yes, K2, i realised i need it. I actually PMed you yesterday liao.

But dun think i can make it all the way to Jurong (work is really crazy this couple of days), maybe i get my friend (the same one who helped shift the tank) to pick it from you if that's okie?

You've got PM.

Once again, i really appreciate all you guys very encouraging comments... will try to slowly add on to make the colloseum fill with nice mushies/ zoes and others.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member

Nice rockscape u have. Those are majano anemones that comes with the buttons, many consider them pests. You can try joe's juice to get rid of them.

The fish in ur betta box looks like an angel which is bad news for corals. For ur tank if you do not wanna use a CR, u can use kent marine turbo calcium which is good for coralline algae. Denitrator and UV is a good option and not a must IMO.

Happy reefing

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Nice rockscape u have. Those are majano anemones that comes with the buttons, many consider them pests. You can try joe's juice to get rid of them.

The fish in ur betta box looks like an angel which is bad news for corals. For ur tank if you do not wanna use a CR, u can use kent marine turbo calcium which is good for coralline algae. Denitrator and UV is a good option and not a must IMO.

Happy reefing

Hey Kenneth,

thanks for your comments. Just wondering why are majano anemones considered as pests? So far, it's stuck at the rock and have not been moving. Would that be a problem if i leave it alone?

And yes, the fish is a Half Black Angel. Am selling it off already, that's why it's in the betta box. :)

Thanks for the suggestion of Kent Marine Turbo Calcium, will surely be looking out for it.

How about Magnesium? Do i need to dose that as well?


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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For a tank ur size u dont need a CR to be frank, just weekly dosing will do. Unless u totally go SPS then u need CR as LPS dont take in much calcium but more to trace elements. Denitrator theres many types in the market now with the current trend pointing to the half sulphur half calcium media type being most economical. Mangroves are the cheapest and most natural way to remove nitrates and excess nutrients from the water but u need space & light for them to grow.

I just converted my Korallin CR into the 50/50 sulphur/calcium denitrator. Check my new thread for details and pics. Have fun bro~

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  • SRC Member
For a tank ur size u dont need a CR to be frank, just weekly dosing will do. Unless u totally go SPS then u need CR as LPS dont take in much calcium but more to trace elements. Denitrator theres many types in the market now with the current trend pointing to the half sulphur half calcium media type being most economical. Mangroves are the cheapest and most natural way to remove nitrates and excess nutrients from the water but u need space & light for them to grow.

I just converted my Korallin CR into the 50/50 sulphur/calcium denitrator. Check my new thread for details and pics. Have fun bro~

What they take trace elements???I should have bought those earlier.All i noe SPS are the world's champion calcium sucker.One week can suck a lot.

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Majano anemones will split into many in a fast pace. Soon ur tank will be infested by them all over. Magnesium and kalk is needed as well.


Hey Kenneth, thanks for the link... Im not too sure if its the same majano within the link. They look slightly different to me. (Then again, i'm no expert in IDs...)


But nonetheless, i'm observing this rock closely, once they start to propagate... the eraser will step in immediately!

I'll do more reading about majanos... maybe this is another variant.

Cheers mate.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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For a tank ur size u dont need a CR to be frank, just weekly dosing will do. Unless u totally go SPS then u need CR as LPS dont take in much calcium but more to trace elements. Denitrator theres many types in the market now with the current trend pointing to the half sulphur half calcium media type being most economical. Mangroves are the cheapest and most natural way to remove nitrates and excess nutrients from the water but u need space & light for them to grow.

I just converted my Korallin CR into the 50/50 sulphur/calcium denitrator. Check my new thread for details and pics. Have fun bro~

Thanks Soul... wah... ur avatar... gives me headache. (in a good way). haha...

On a serious note, yes i thought i should hold on my purchase of CR first. Just do weekly dose of trace elements + strontium (did some research of some corals that i have). These are what they need. My only concern is over-dosing... haha...

Will be checking out your new tank too...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Managed to snap a shot of the 'kuku' clown hosting the open brain...

Taken under 2x24w T5 aquablue lights.

Hopefully the open brain doesn't get damaged by that. Must quickly go find another nice anemone. Anyone wants to let go a small piece?

I dun like the big fat ugly ones... small petite with big tits tips will be just sweet!

Should this be called an open brain fish now?? No more anemonefish!


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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