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Return Pump and Chiller Setup


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  • SRC Member

Hi brothers,

Need some advice on my setup.

I am using a 4ft tank with IOS and no sump. Due to the space constraint, there is no way for me to add another sump, and because of that I only have a small IOS unit that I can play around for my equipment setup.

As you may have guessed, the IOS unit is already holding up 2 water pumps - 1 for my protein skimmer, 1 as the return pump to bring the water back to the main tank. I have a biochiller and I am actually using the return pump to move the water from the IOS - biochiller - main tank. I would like to know if this is appropriate? Am I exerting too much 'workload' for the return pump? :wacko:

How is a normal chiller setup? Does it necessary must use a separate water pump? In any case, my biochiller is spolit now and I am planning to get a new chiller. I would like to know what are the alternatives I have before I choose the chiller and perhaps an additional pump...but really have no more place for a 3rd pump :snore:


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  • SRC Member

looks ok to me....when i first started i had a normal 2 footer feed directly to the chiller then back to the tank this way (run for about 2 year).....just make sure that the output in not too near the input of the pump as it might cause the water to be recirculated back to the chiller instead of returning to the tank....

one possiblitiy is a dip in chiller as you would not require a pump then....but your iso might not be big enough for the coil....

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  • SRC Member

Thanks Tineng.

I have 1 question though.

I recall that chillers also have recommended flowrate too.

If the flowrate is too high, the chiller may not be able to cool the passing water fast enough.

If the flowrate is too slow, then the chiller will take longer to chill the entire tank.

For my 4ft tank, some brothers recommended before that I should at least have a 3000l/h flowrate to cycle the water. Thus, lets say I am using a 3000l/h return pump, the chiller which I should buy must be able to 'take' that flowrate. Am I correct?

Actually I am looking at Resun CL450 at the moment. The specification is as:


VOLT: 220V/50HZ





WEIGHT: 18kg

DIMENSION: 38x29x43cm

It says pump outflow is >1200L/H, so is 3000L/H pump too fast for it? Or is it still ok?


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