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Pairing True Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member

Hi brothers,

Does anyone has experience in pairing true percula?

My previous experience for true percula:

I bought 2 unpaired true percula before and was totally unaware that they needs to be paired out. Once I put 2 of them into the tank, they fought fiecrely but only after a few hours the fighting ceased and they 'paired' off after some time... <_<

Unfortunately now the female is gone :cry: and I am left with the male.

I am thinking of getting a new partner for him, but I am not sure how to pair them up again...

Do they have to go through the 'fight' again?

Anyone can share their experience? :thanks:

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I don't have much experience. Just theory....

If your male clownfish is left alone (ie. no other clowns), it will turn into a female (not sure how long it takes for this to happen). Hopefully you can find a bigger mate for him before it turns into her. Alternatively, can get a smaller mate and let your original male turn into female.. But this will just confuse you and your family.

When adding another clown, they will go through the fighting process again. To minimise injury, this is my theory: Buy a bigger fish than the current male, catch the male fish and put both into separate betta boxes (floating in the main tank) such that they can see each other but cannot touch. Re-arrange the LR so that the tank appear like a new place for the original fish. Release them together after 2 days. And keep your fingers crossed.

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  • SRC Member
I don't have much experience. Just theory....

If your male clownfish is left alone (ie. no other clowns), it will turn into a female (not sure how long it takes for this to happen). Hopefully you can find a bigger mate for him before it turns into her. Alternatively, can get a smaller mate and let your original male turn into female.. But this will just confuse you and your family.

When adding another clown, they will go through the fighting process again. To minimise injury, this is my theory: Buy a bigger fish than the current male, catch the male fish and put both into separate betta boxes (floating in the main tank) such that they can see each other but cannot touch. Re-arrange the LR so that the tank appear like a new place for the original fish. Release them together after 2 days. And keep your fingers crossed.

I dun do that.I see that my clarkii clown is not paired but when i put a bubble coral near the dominant female's territory they use that as a home and then they paired but still young.Go get true octo or octo coral cause true perc loves these corals to use as homes.Try if not then shift the coral to the dominant true perc territory.Then buy a smaller true perc.

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  • 1 month later...

well i know clown fish, you have to know for sure you have a male, if you do you have to put a smaller male in the same tank with you male and the larger one will turn to a female. because all clowns are male from birth, in a large group the largest fish will become a female and will pair off with another fish. if that pair is remove the next largest fish will become the next female and pair off with another male, and so on, and so on...

if you need info on clownfish go onto www.reefcentral.com , lots and lots of info for anything you need for reef tanks.

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