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need info on frogfish

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i'm starting a new nano-tank, about 1 1/2 ft., to house my delibius reef lobster, cos it has been agressive to my other fishes(i'm housing it in those side-hanging fighting fish tanks by my tank... i was wondering whether i could keep a frog fish with it? would they just murder each other?

i'm using this tank to experiment on keeping corals...is it ok?

what do frog fish eat? are they hardy? how much do they cost? where do they sell? anywhere near the east?

btw, i downgraded my 2ft. to a 1 1/2 feet cos the 2ft was too heavy and cracked my stand....so now my 1 1/2 ft. is super cramped....after moving my lobster out, is it ok to keep 1 purple firefish and two clowns(1 perc. 1 normal) in a 1 1/2 ft. tank? my filter is strong enough is guess....i'm using 2 hang-on filters at the moment, so shld be ok, going to get a third one soon(maybe...see how first...), will this cause any problems?

and i have a internal skimmer in a 1 1/2 ft. tank which looks horrible.....anyway to 'externalise it?(within a budget of $50-70, and hopefully can skim my 2nd tank too, if it can, i'm willing to pay up to $100)

for my 2nd tank, i hope to use to hang-on filters too, but i might consider getting a canister to filter both tanks, plus to hang-ons, cos i plan to keep 3 1 1/2 ft/ tanks evantually, is it possible to split the water intake and outflow of canister into 3-sections w/o much trouble?

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  • SRC Member
i also keep frogfish.. nice to keep sia

it eats live fish...small live fish... 

my frogfish is beige in colour.. it is cute sia... keke 

i bought mine for 8 bucks... should be considered cheap..hoho

I understand frogfish can eat fish as big as his size. Have you try putting in bigger fish?

Where do you get yours for $8 bucks? I called Harle* last night and the guy quoted $85. :cry:

What is the tankmates for your frogfish? Intend to get one to put in my 1 lionfish only tank. But afraid the frogfish might eat the lionfish.

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Yup.. Different types of Frogfishes will probably cost different.. Erm.. can I keep a frogfish with me lionfosh? Will they fight each other?

According LiveAquaria, they are compatible. So far my lions have not disturbed my frog, and vice versa. But too early to tell. I am especially worried for my 1.5" lion, easily fit into the frog's mouth. :evil:

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According LiveAquaria, they are compatible. So far my lions have not disturbed my frog, and vice versa. But too early to tell. I am especially worried for my 1.5" lion, easily fit into the frog's mouth. :evil:

Think the lion poisonous spine should protect it ;););)

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the $85 ones at harl* are yellow/brown and orange ones, which the guy says is more rare than the brown hairy type. I have one which is quite a big sized one and he keep on eating and eating. so u have to be careful not to feed too much which i did to mine and after 2 weeks and i think it got indigestion and it is almost vertically 90 degress on the seabed. It got okay after 2 weeks so now i m not feeding it that much.

you have to look after yur other fishes also. it got on fine with my clowns but i am not taking any chance as it ate my anthais rite in front of my eyes...so now it is banished to my sump till i got my 2nd tank ready.

it is quite easy to feed it as it will eat the live fish that u throw in but u have eto buy those from the fresh water shp...those $2 for a pck ones....which can last u very long....but it is a very laxy fish as it will wait till the fish swims rite to its mouth before swallowing it. the frogfish will not swim for the food even if it is rite beside it.

I have another smaller one which i got for $6 and i keep it in a isolation tank so that i can ffed it easily or else it will b impossible to find and feed.

i like the frogfish alot as they are low maintance and also good/ugly to look at and really stoners!!! not for someone who likes to see fishes swimming around...

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marinedepotlive.com list 3 categories, one is colour one which can have red/yellow/orange, the one at harl* selling at $85.

The second cat is the brown hairy type which is common, saw one at sea l* (selling $10) and also at har*.

The third type is what I am looking, the whartskin type, mainly white in colour. I saw this in har* quaranteen tank but it belongs to lfs's friend and not for sale. Have anyone seen any?

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i plan to keep it with lobster...

if feed live fish for me still ok, got no problem feeding it, but if it refuse to eat then i got problem liao

i saw the one is fat fat, like a ball like that, colour range from white to brown, for $40, i think the price gre8ly inflated, so i gg elsewhere to obtain it

is it very sensitive to water conditions?

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  • SRC Member
marinedepotlive.com list 3 categories, one is colour one which can have red/yellow/orange, the one at harl* selling at $85.

The second cat is the brown hairy type which is common, saw one at sea l* (selling $10) and also at har*.

The third type is what I am looking, the whartskin type, mainly white in colour. I saw this in har* quaranteen tank but it belongs to lfs's friend and not for sale. Have anyone seen any?

I have seen a fire red one before at LCK. But it was costed at $50 and I did not know if I am capable of keeping such a fish, so I did not but it. I believe he is living in one of the forumer's tank as we speaks.


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