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I spent at least 1K there over the last one year so probably know their pricing pretty well. Just that recently seems to be more ex.

I just bought 3 lobos from Cavan road, less than $100. 2 red (10 inches and the other rounded 5 inches) , 1 orange 5 inches Attached below. The 10 inch one in feeding mode, when it close back its tectacles, will be as intense as the rounded piece.

If I went there confirm $200 and above.

Where do u usually shop?

I probably been to most shops over the last couple of years of reefing. This is ranked as top unless U are comparing it to one of the shops in the west....

From the pics, i know which lobo u got liao.. indeed, that is a very nice piece.. was eyeing it for a long time but cant seems to locate enuff space for it.. :(

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Guys i think u don have to buy a prata which coz a bomb or wat ever it is be it red , orange or anything interesting to the eyes.

i recently bought a prata which has got no color at all but lately color coming out little by little n seeing yellow on it n the best thing is tt it doesn't coz me wat color notes u guys are mentioning.

Even if its green or brown if u r able to make it big n healthy it will satisfying n beautiful 2 ur own eyes. :peace:

Some people can afford it, why not. If he bought ex one and flourish he will as happy as well.......


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Prata I dun even dare to ask these days. I was quote 5 blue notes the last time rd.

The one in the west? Starts with a J......

Bro...I agree with u :whistle .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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u doesn't seems 2 understand wat i'm trying say don't u ???

R u tt some ppl ??? :lol:

maybe bro....if I like something I may end up buy it as long as my wallet can support it. But nothing wrong people buying ex coral that in my term I can only drool on it. If you are buying normal prata at dirt cheap price and end up some day mutant to orange color or blue color then purple color...that's what you call luck. But honestly in my opinion no one selling orange color prata at green prata price so far. I think I am not too dumb to understand your sweeping statement.



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  • SRC Member
maybe bro....if I like something I may end up buy it as long as my wallet can support it. But nothing wrong people buying ex coral that in my term I can only drool on it. If you are buying normal prata at dirt cheap price and end up some day mutant to orange color or blue color then purple color...that's what you call luck. But honestly in my opinion no one selling orange color prata at green prata price so far. I think I am not too dumb to understand your sweeping statement.


i think storm Trooper meant that as long as u can keep the coral healthy and u like it well enuff to buy it in the first place, it dun matter wat color it is and it dun really have to be expensive.

I think u misinterpret as he is trying his luck when he getting green and hoping that it mutate to another color. :peace: similarly, i agree with you that as long as u think the price is fair for u and u willing to part your dollars for it, it is ok. I personally have done the same for my red carpet when i broke my rule of spending too much on a coral. :blink:

I had personally drool over someone's normal green cynarina but bloom big time.. guess it is a matter of beauty in the eyes of the beholder. :peace:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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scotts fairy wrasse

neon goby golden

royal gramma

small rock beauty

juv queen angel

flame wrasse

radient wrasse

red head goby

peppermint shrimps

barlett anthias.

and many more.

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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  • SRC Member
maybe bro....if I like something I may end up buy it as long as my wallet can support it. But nothing wrong people buying ex coral that in my term I can only drool on it. If you are buying normal prata at dirt cheap price and end up some day mutant to orange color or blue color then purple color...that's what you call luck. But honestly in my opinion no one selling orange color prata at green prata price so far. I think I am not too dumb to understand your sweeping statement.


u don still understand i guess. :D

kelstorm well said :peace:

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