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Ok, I am a lazy reefer!!!

Achilles Tang

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Yeah, its an ABSOLUTE shame how some reefers can get overly ambitious in their quest to get the best stuff and end up decommisioning their tank after only a short while. Worse still, their drive caused them to be become nasty, greedy and become someone they shouldn't have to be.... its just a hobby after all. So sad. Seen so many cases... their passions have been vanquished. Burnt out? :rolleyes:


Now fishy tank...??

OT liao :eyebrow:

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I think it applies to everyone. :rolleyes: In our chase for quick recognitions / success, we may err.

But I guess time will heal. :whistle

Yeah, its an ABSOLUTE shame how some reefers can get overly ambitious in their quest to get the best stuff and end up decommisioning their tank after only a short while. Worse still, their drive caused them to be become nasty, greedy and become someone they shouldn't have to be.... its just a hobby after all. So sad. Seen so many cases... their passions have been vanquished. Burnt out? :rolleyes:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
Yeah, its an ABSOLUTE shame how some reefers can get overly ambitious in their quest to get the best stuff and end up decommisioning their tank after only a short while. Worse still, their drive caused them to be become nasty, greedy and become someone they shouldn't have to be.... its just a hobby after all. So sad. Seen so many cases... their passions have been vanquished. Burnt out? :rolleyes:

Oh gosh! In this how the reefing forum scene has deteriorate to eh? Administrators taking pot shots at each other, forums going behind the back to recruit members, forums declaring that they are the no 1 in Singapore with long nonsensical statements that put me to sleep......and so on. All for what? What do you gain by screwing each other? Why can't the forums exist in their own right? I'm sure Singapore reefing scene can live with more than 1 forum, right?

Everyone has the right to choose how they reef and which forum they prefer. So just let them choose! We are not here to judge. Why is there an ABSOLUTE need to insinuate on why a certain tank is vanquished? Do we actually know the reason why he did it? Why should we assume that burn out,rush and greed, and lost of passion is the reason? Maybe there is a real genuine reason for the vanquishing. If people decom, they decom. If they restart, we congratulate them. I've seen reefers here decom and restart their tank 4 times in a year and are still getting great support from the members here even from the administrators. So what? It's their choice!

I've seen SRC take a bad turn and now with the new software upgrade and stuff, things are looking much better, especially with "Paris Hilton Videos" and "How to enlarge your pXXXs" ads all gone. Keep it up! But please can you guys call a truce and let both forums flourish in their own right? I hate to see the forums turn into a inter forum slugging fest which don't do any good to anyone or to the forum itself.

I'm not playing god here and deciding what is right. But I'm sure the RIGHT way is definitely better than what exist now. I used to remember it WAS.

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You're too right, the Singapore reefing scene CAN and HAVE always lived with more than one forum around. FYI, local marine forums have existed in their own right and at peace with each other for many years BEFORE that other forum came up and the ugly war began. You ought to know how all this started or have you forgotten.

We sow what we reap. I think sometimes being too nice and passive for too long makes people think you are a walkover. How can there be a truce if the aggressor admin & disgruntled gang from the other side is seen to constantly discredit us by spreading rumours, saying nasty things and doing actions which REALLY hurt this other forum and all this side has ever done is to just take pot shots back?

If this side chose to really retaliate, it could have been a big lawsuit because of all the hard evidence gathered, and you entirely forgot how nasty their words & actions were. Where were you when the name-calling and false accusations were flung left right centre at us? Only now you retort and only at us?? You ought to know which side was the victim and you ought to know what we have done to retaliate is NOTHING compared to what we went through all these years. Anyway, I recall you chose a side, so you aren't the most neutral of people to give such harsh comments on SRC without doing the same for the folks over there.

Maybe Gouldian is right... only time will heal. The wounds have run too deep.

Anyway, I'm prepared to talk if the warmongers over there wants to. Do you want to put your money where your mouth is and help make this happen?

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Anyway... its just a hobby... so no point turning against each other......

I still cannot forget the days that we used to cheong together and exchange knowledge and frags... that were all gone..

I hope its the end of the begining... of the begining of the end.

Let's reef on... :whistle

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That good ol' times was so many years ago and it was the old batch of reefers, of which I think barely 10% of us are active anymore in the reefing online community (except to come here and sell stuff!)

The newer hobbyists are the ones holding the baton now and from what I see, their future is bright.

I'm one of the few old guards still active but only to serve the newer hobbyists (and to take occasional potshots at you know who! ;))

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That good ol' times was so many years ago and it was the old batch of reefers, of which I think barely 10% of us are active anymore in the reefing online community (except to come here and sell stuff!)

Hello.. You talking about me right??!!??? :pinch:

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That is why you guys should trash it out. No point hiding behind these false veil and claim this and that. If you have evidence, bring it out. I can be mediator. I know another forum is not an angel, I was a Mod there too. I know but I'm sure these things can be put behind and make a fresh start. I find this low punching and counter punching kinda childish lah.

Yes I admit, I'm not the most neutral of parties when it come to harsh word about SRC. But that was borne out of frustration from seeing it rot (admit it Conrad, there was a time where this forum really started to rot), topics and posts were not moderated at all, free for all slanging matches, SPAM BOTS (I really take issue with that!).

So how about it, Conrad and Vincent? Time and place for coffee? My treat....

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OMG the war wif other forum.My gosh anywayz let's have peace.Our country is a very peaceful countries.Uhh lazy also here.Coralline haven spread like wildfire but appearing all over tank glass already.

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That is why you guys should trash it out. No point hiding behind these false veil and claim this and that. If you have evidence, bring it out. I can be mediator. I know another forum is not an angel, I was a Mod there too. I know but I'm sure these things can be put behind and make a fresh start. I find this low punching and counter punching kinda childish lah.

Yes I admit, I'm not the most neutral of parties when it come to harsh word about SRC. But that was borne out of frustration from seeing it rot (admit it Conrad, there was a time where this forum really started to rot), topics and posts were not moderated at all, free for all slanging matches, SPAM BOTS (I really take issue with that!).

So how about it, Conrad and Vincent? Time and place for coffee? My treat....

I never denied that SRC went through a bad time when many things were out of control. I was a one-man show when I had a tough job and little time to spare. What a great time for others to attack? :rolleyes:

Good to acknowledge that you didn't do much to help SRC all this time except to criticise and to voice your displeasure. You mentioned your frustration but you couldn't or didn't do anything to help. :unsure:

Do you know how hard it was to manage a large forum by oneself especially when we were under heavy siege and the then current team of mods were also busy? Thank goodness for Mod#1 and Mod#2 who stepped up to help.

Inspite of all these, SRC still survives and still serves the community. Adversity never overcame us.

Meet up to trash things out? Sure! I was angry enough to not want to meet Vincent then because I wanted legal action against him and the rest of the slimethrowers. If you remember, this was the time when I announced that I have hard proof that he used a multinick to pm new SRC members to go over to his newly set up forum. Whatever.... I have since cooled down and did not do it in the end because again I was busy with work.

He and the few troublemakers were never apologetic and I doubt if they would ever admit their hate campaign.

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Scarab, I do appreciate your gesture though.

Who knows, maybe something good will happen soon and we can all bury the hatchet soon. It is rather tiring, this emotional rollercoaster ride. -_-

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I guess its time for me to do some maintenance of my tunze streams.... they are functioning at 50% coz the intakes are half covered by coralline algae in my FOWLR tank!

Pardon the bad photo... i am using a very cheap camera! And just realised the camera date is wrong also! It's just taken today!

The amazing thing is that i have not changed water in years plus not dosing or using my CR at all! ;)

Also I don't use a skimmer and I only grow chaetos in the tank itself as a food source and a biological filter! :D

Hi AT...jealous of you lei... need not change water with only chaetos growing? any extra tips for us to reach the 'no need change water?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Actually i am thinking if any? there is a claim of legal action against multinick users and using it to pm new src members to go over some other forums? Even with proof is there a case against such action? :ph34r:

Just a thought and i have been thinking what crime is such and what act does it broke? Just curious....... :unsure:

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